
Listen to  Vision of The Kingdom Vision of The Kingdom
James A Wells - September 26, 1980 - Feast of Tabernacles

I guess the chorale is mostly down and sitting down. It certainly is just a glorious day, a perfect Feast of Tabernacles Day. This time of the year and this part of the country can give us this glorious weather, and I certainly hope you're all enjoying the feast. At least the weather can't take ...

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Listen to  Wait On God Wait On God
Don Waterhouse - 1978

I mentioned to you a minute ago that I did receive this letter, I think most all the Ministers must have, from a member in California who makes this statement, this lady says; "It's time to tell the Church that many members at their Headquarters", talking about Pasadena, "feel that because of corr ...

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Listen to  Warning Warning
Kenneth M Martin - 1984

A very pleasant good morning to you all, it's a real opportunity to be able to speak when in Pasadena and any of the Church congregations. Mr. Tkach mentioned to me the other day that I would have the opportunity to speak in the Imperial A.M., I was very, very gratified because it gives me an oppo ...

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Listen to  Warning To The Church Warning To The Church
Herbert W Armstrong - July 1, 1978

Well, greetings everybody. I have called a special day of prayer and fasting today because God's church is IN FATAL DANGER! And I can't say that loud enough to hammer it home to you. We don't realize, my brethren, the way we've been drifting. We have been doing just what you heard in the ser ...View Transcript

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Listen to  We Are Family We Are Family
Kenneth R Swisher - October 14, 1981 - Feast of Tabernacles

I certainly want to thank the festival choir and all of those who are participating in the special music. It's been absolutely excellent, and we really appreciate it. I don't know what's wrong with Texas, but I've got another announcement here this morning. This is an emergency. This pertain ...

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Listen to  We Are Saints We Are Saints
Dean C Blackwell - 1979

One of the most difficult things in the Church of God, maybe it's because of past years, you know when we all in order to get rid of vanity and human nature, God made us realize man was made out of the dirt, that man was earth bound, we call ourselves plods and we have talked about as Jacob said " ...

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Listen to  We Are The Temple We Are The Temple
Herbert W Armstrong - August 22, 1981

Now then, we are the temple to which Christ is coming. All right, now I would like to have you turn back, if you will, to Malachi - Malachi the 3rd chapter. Here is a prophecy. You have heard it before. Malachi 3:1-4 Behold I will send my messenger and he shall prepare the way before me and the Lord ...View Transcript

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Listen to  We Can Know That We Love Christ We Can Know That We Love Christ
Harold Way - 2009

Have we ever asked ourselves, do I really love Jesus Christ, have we ever thought about that? How can we be certain as to whether we love Jesus Christ or not? I don't know if that's something we think about a lot, but I have thought about it, and therefore I have chosen as a topic "We Can Know T ...

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Listen to  We Must be Clothed by God We Must be Clothed by God
Edward W Smith - 1977 - Feast of Tabernacles

Good morning everyone; good morning to you Mr. Armstrong as you listen there from your home, greetings to you from all of us in the Community Center. Certainly a beautiful morning, a beautiful theme to see all of you sitting here in this beautiful arena, I think this is one of the prettiest ones tha ...

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Listen to  We Must Prepare We Must Prepare
Roderick C Meredith - 1979 - Feast of Tabernacles

Brethren I think all of us recognize that we are living in very momentous times, as I was saying last night things do seem to be speeding up and I mean that very sincerely. We had a number of years where there was not too many things happening, but now we do have a number of rather significant thing ...

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Listen to  We're Being Judged Now We're Being Judged Now
Herbert W Armstrong - October 10, 1976 - Feast of Tabernacles

We're Being Judged Now - Sermon - Herbert W Armstrong ...

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Listen to  Well Done Good And Faithful Servant Well Done Good And Faithful Servant
Guy L Engelbart - October 2, 1980 - Last Great Day

Lapel mic attached to upper tie. I think I can accomplish that. One thing I don't like about these is that it ruins the tie. Maybe I can accomplish her? Mr. Graham said to put it right up there, on the top. And we'll see if that stays. Well, greetings and good morning to all of you, once again. ...

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Listen to  What and Why The Church? What and Why The Church?
Herbert W Armstrong

I've been having Bible Studies a great deal over at Tucson and I think perhaps you may have heard some of them here. I've just taken books in the New Testament and gone through chapter by chapter, verse by verse. I used to preach that way many years ago and I found that was one of the better way ...

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Listen to  What Constitutes Sin? What Constitutes Sin?
Herman L Hoeh - April 12, 1979 - Unleavened Bread

I'll wish you a very fine festival even though I won't be here for the last day, but we will all extend also our best wishes to any who may be traveling through and to our brethren in the South Pacific. This morning Mr. David Albert addressed a very important question that I would just like to r ...

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Listen to  What Determines Our Reward? What Determines Our Reward?
Raymond F McNair - January 20, 1996

I would like you to turn over with me to Isaiah chapter 40, Isaiah chapter 40 beginning now with verse 9, "O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that brings good tiding, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah ...

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