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Why Donate? offers the material of the Worldwide Church of God the same as Mr. Armstrong did through the Worldwide Church of God, free of charge, gratis to all. received 8,222,529 hits last month with an all-time total of 433,537,723 hits from All countries around the world. has its own dedicated hosting and media center which handled 9,705,953,667 Kbytes of data last month with an all-time total of 756,951,647,236 Kbytes of data in books, booklets, Bible Studies, magazine articles and other publications being viewed and downloaded 24/7; 365 days a year. also uses a wide variety of Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Wordpress, Pinterest, etc., reaching millions more. has 2,192 audio/video files (Telecasts, Radio Broadcasts, Sermons, Bible Studies) streaming from available 24/7, 365 days a year to God's people. There have been 165,346 audio/video programs watched and downloaded from this month and an all-time total of 22,561,115 views. must rely on God's people the same as the Worldwide Church of God did to make this message available to all. Your donations are very much appreciated to help keep this message available to all.
There is a cost for the above services and uses all donations, to make this message available to the world and to feed God's people, per God's instruction. gratefully accepts help with these costs, expenses, and thousands of hours it is taking to build


Total Hours Watched 626,578 - HWALibrary, YouTube & Roku TV
Words In Database 23,384,736 - Find what you're searching for in seconds!
Gigabits 295 - Gigabits of Data Files (PDF, Audio, Video, Text, Images, etc.)
Audio/Video Files 2,192 - Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year!
Titles & Chapters 12,252 - Titles & Chapters can be searched in milliseconds!
Countries All - Countries around the world have visited
Note: "Month" = Previous full month - "Year" = Previous 12 months
"All Time" total stats are calculated from January 1, 2012, official launch date of would like to thank God for making this possible and all of you for your help and support to make this possible! would also like to thank everyone for their wonderful comments; it is so nice that so many enjoy!

Warm Regards,

We still have thousands of items to add to, we are continually converting PDF files to searchable text, audio files to transcripts and much more, the site is changing and being added to virtually every day. So be sure to check back often!
Never in the history of the Church has God's people had easier access to God's Word then the time we live in now! Searchable Bibles and searchable Libraries like helps God's people in their Bible studies making them fast and easy like never before!
Need an answer from a Minister to your questions? has many Ministers from 50 plus years that recorded answers and explanations to vital questions you need answers to. gives you the ability to search in seconds to get those vital answers to virtually any questions you may have! is a non-profit "Church of God" Library headquartered in the United States. Donation receipts for tax purposes are sent in January for the previous calendar year. A copy will be sent to the address you provided. All information is kept confidential. does not share, sell, or distribute your personal information.