In August 1914 Europe erupted in war, for 4 terrible years the great powers battled each other until they reached a standstill in the fields of France and Belgium. When the conflict was over and the armistice signed a generation of young men had been slaughtered. Weapons had become so powerful, the ...
Well greetings brethren, brethren in Australia, we just came yesterday, I visited day before yesterday, I guess I should say, the S.E.P. Summer Camp. Now I just want to say a word about these summer camps and about our Y.O.U. and Y.E.S. program. Perhaps it is the most important program in getting th ...
Greetings brethren all around the world at Feasts site everywhere. I'm speaking to you from our television studios in Pasadena where I speak to the world as a voice crying out in the wilderness of modern religious confusion, in this Babylon of our present time showing the people the way in these l ...
Another year in the work, more leaders seen, more magazines printed, more TV programs taped, new Ministers ordained, new Church members, new spiritual understanding, one more year of progress in the end-time Work of God. It began of 50 years ago when God called Herbert W Armstrong and his wife Loma. ...
The first Apostles worked in the days before mass communication and high-speed travel. They had to go to each city and village preaching the gospel message personally. They went on foot, by horseback or by sailboat; it was before the days of printing. Written communication was slow and expensive, 20 ...
Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Ambassador Auditorium for Festival '86 and now the Young Ambassadors. Looks like everybody beat me here; I guess we're ready to begin so welcome, welcome to your special Festival tour, kinda surprised you to see old Beak float'n in like that didn't it? Well I ...
Greetings brethren at all the Feast sites all over the world, in May of last year the Ambassador Foundation sponsored of course by this Church, brought the group of children called the Young Ambassadors from Shanghai on a trip to the United States. It was the first time that the government of China ...
Ladies and gentlemen, boy's and girl's of all ages the Young Ambassadors welcome you to Festival '84... Hello everyone, my name is Joe and I'm Suzy and on behalf of the Young Ambassadors we'd like to extend a warm welcome to all of you, as we began our 4th musical tour of the Ambassador Co ...
From the beautiful campuses of Ambassador College in Pasadena, California and Big Sandy, Texas, welcome to festival '83 with your host Dave and Pam Myers, the Young Ambassadors, Imperial Choraliars, Ambassador College Chorale, Orchestra and Band, join us now as the Young Ambassadors take a sentime ...
From the beautiful campuses of Ambassador College welcome to festival '82 and now here are the Young Ambassadors... Hello and welcome to all of our brethren around the world, as you may have guessed, were looking forward to sharing some rather unusual experiences with you this year. It's going t ...
From the beautiful campus of Ambassador College in Pasadena, California, welcome to festival '81 with the Young Ambassadors, your host Rick Peterson, with Imperial Choraliars and the Ambassador College Chorale, Orchestra and Big Band and now to lead you on their second musical tour here are the Yo ...
From the award winning campus of Ambassador College in Pasadena, welcome to festival '80 with the Young Ambassadors, your host Dave Myer, with Big Beak the wonder chicken and Ross Jutsum and the Ambassador Band, and now to take you on a musical tour of God's beautiful campus are the Young Ambass ...
Tonight I'm going to show you a documentary that our television department has prepared on Thailand, it's primarily about the King and Queen of Thailand and the title of it is "More Than a Monarch". The BBC of London had made a documentary of Thailand and the King and Queen were very m ...
In the modern history of God's Church Portland, Oregon is a special place set in one the earth's most beautiful places. The story of the Portland congregations of the Worldwide Church of God is a story of a family of God's people in the modern world it is also a story of family first's becau ...
When Buck Hammer and his family lived in a modest clap board house about 2 miles from the small east Texas town of Big Sandy he could walk into his back yard and gaze beyond the rabbit hutch located there and view a good portion of his property, but that was 40 years ago, follow that same gaze now a ...