Christ's Message Rejected
But, my friends, why do we have wars today? Why do we have all of this unhappiness? You know, I could begin, I believe, every sermon, every broadcast that I might preach, the remainder of my lifetime, by asking and answering that question - why does God permit wars, why does He permit poverty and unhappiness, suffering and all this anguish that we see on this earth? ...
April 27, 2024
Join us for Sabbath services. Each Sabbath we post a Sabbath service at 7:00PM (CT-USA) Friday Evening (Sabbath sunset to sunset). You provide the opening and closing prayer and we'll supply the psalms and messages! Hope you enjoy them!

Holy Day services are also provided on all of God's Holy Days.

Sabbath Service

WHY are we not more successful in living up to God's standard? WHY do we slip and fall occasionally? Here is how YOU can overcome where you are weakest and hardest tempted! DO YOU have some "besetting ...
Do you know millions who actually believe in Jesus Christ have no salvation at all... because they trust in the wrong kind of Faith? No SUBJECT pertaining to Christian salvation is more generally misu ...
Just what IS Death? IS there a Resurrection? Do the DEAD know what the LIVING are doing? Is SUICIDE unforgivable? Where will you meet loved ones again? WHY does God allow CHRISTIANS to die? Does death ...
You Can QUIT Smoking
SMOKING is claimed to be the number-one preventable cause of disease. Yet, despite dire warnings, millions continue to puff away. Smoking advocates claim it is pleasing to the senses, enjoyable, fun. They claim it is relaxing ...
Doctrinal Outlines - What is Death?
Public enemy No. 1! That's how death can be described. For truly it will slay us all, and at a time of its own choosing. But paradoxically, although we all know we will die, very few know exactly what death is. Certainly deat ...
For the last, especially, the last three or four years, the Head of this Church, Jesus Christ, has been getting His Church back on track. We were getting off the track. The Church was getting off the track in the United States. Liberalism was coming in. It's not so long ago that I found the same type of thing was getting in over here among you brethren. I think that we're glad to see that gone. We ...