
Listen to  The Spirit In Man The Spirit In Man
Herbert W Armstrong - June 20, 1981

Well, this is a Feast of Tabernacles crowd! I'm glad to see all of you, and very happy that I can be here. First I want to just bring you up very, very briefly on the progress of the Work. For the last three years, we've been striving to get God's Church back on the track. I'm sure you all k ...View Transcript

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Listen to  The Spirit In Man The Spirit In Man
Maceo D Hampton - May 5, 1979

I thought about this sermon for quite some time, it's one of the sermons to me that's fascinating, at least the subject is, and yet it's difficult to be understood and yet it's simple. That sounds ambiguous, I know, sounds paradoxical but it really is simple, and yet it's profound and very ...

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Listen to  The Spirit Realm The Spirit Realm
Roy O Holladay - October 12, 1984 - Feast of Tabernacles

Well good afternoon to everyone, well I guess it's morning, get my time here, that was certainly a beautiful song, and I know we all appreciated it. One thing I wanted to mention before starting the sermon is to again ask all of you to pray for the peace and the safety that we have here at the Fea ...

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Watch  The Ten Commandments of Child Rearing The Ten Commandments of Child Rearing
Carl E McNair - February 8, 2003

Some time ago I think I gave you a Sermon with some of the background on the subject of child rearing and I don't want to repeat myself, although it is quite likely. For some reason we do that. However if I do, it will be incidental to the main subject. Today I want to speak to you concerning the ...

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Listen to  The Throne of David The Throne of David
John H Ogwyn - November 22, 1980

One of the most remarkable proofs of God and of the accuracy of the Bible is the proof of fulfilled prophecy. The various prophecies that we can look at in context of things that God has said, prophecies that have come to pass, things that have already happened, things that are in the process of bei ...

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Listen to  The True Meaning of John 3:16 The True Meaning of John 3:16
Abner D Washington - August 9, 1980

Get into the sermon that I want to speak to you about this afternoon. John 3:16, John 3:16 my text for today. You know. I have literally in my lifetime heard this scripture quoted, hundreds of times, hundreds of times and without a doubt, it really is one of the most celebrated scriptures in the Bib ...

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Watch  The Trunk of the Tree The Trunk of the Tree
Herbert W Armstrong - October 15, 1983

For the last, especially, the last three or four years, the Head of this Church, Jesus Christ, has been getting His Church back on track. We were getting off the track. The Church was getting off the track in the United States. Liberalism was coming in. It's not so long ago that I found the same t ...View Transcript

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Listen to  The Truth The Truth
Charles E Bryce - December 21, 2002

Mr. Ralph Scarborough was a free man and because he was a free man, he had peace. All of us have been called to freedom and peace as well. We can and we must be free people. That is a very important aspect of our precious calling that God has given to all of us. How are we made free? Let's turn to ...

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Listen to  The Two Major Prophecies of the Bible The Two Major Prophecies of the Bible
Frank Schnee

President Giscard d'Estaing of France made the statement; "we don't seem to know where we are headed, but we sense" he said; "if we knew it is catastrophe". Now that's quite a statement for a man who is the President of France to make and many people now realize that there has never been a tim ...

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Listen to  The Universe Our Inheritance? The Universe Our Inheritance?
Herbert W Armstrong - October 7, 1985 - Last Great Day

Greetings brethren at Feast sites all around the world. Once again I am speaking to you from my own television studio in Pasadena, as I did on the opening night of this Festival. We come now to the last, the very last service of this whole Festival of this year. Since last year brethren, my eyesight ...View Transcript

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Listen to  The Unthinkable Will Happen The Unthinkable Will Happen
Herbert W Armstrong - June 19, 1982

Well brethren I guess it's still the same old thing, there is both good news and bad news. And there's some wonderfully good news clear beyond human comprehension coming. But there is some bad news, still completely beyond comprehension, that is coming first. And God has told us to prepare for i ...View Transcript

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Listen to  The Value of Human Life The Value of Human Life
Herbert W Armstrong - October 22, 1983

"What is the only real value of a human life?" The only real value. Now, when you stop to think about it, there can be no more important subject than that. What is the only real value of any human life? And a discussion came, and I want to speak on that subject this afternoon because there is no sub ...View Transcript

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Listen to  The Wisdom of the World The Wisdom of the World
David J Albert - April 12, 1980

I would like to give kind of a post Days of Unleavened Bread sermon because I have a sneaky suspicion that there's one kind of leaven we probably didn't get all the way out, there might be five or six or eight or ten different kinds. All of you who succeeded in getting all of your sins out durin ...

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Listen to  There Will Be a Place of Safety There Will Be a Place of Safety
John H Ogwyn - April 12, 1980

In Matthew chapter 24 and verse 34 (Matthew 24:34), Jesus Christ made the statement speaking of a particular generation, saying, "Truly, I say unto you, this generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled." Now, which generation did Jesus Christ specifically have reference to? We've ...View Transcript

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Watch  Three Warnings For The Church Three Warnings For The Church
John H Ogwyn - February 25, 1995

Brethren I would like to focus our attention on something here this afternoon that I think is very important. We're aware that we are living in a crucial time we're living in a time that is as the Bible terms it, the end of this age. Now Jesus Christ is described here in Matthew 24 just prior, j ...

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