
Listen to  The 2nd Commandment The 2nd Commandment
John H Ogwyn - 1980

We as a nation in the United States like to pride ourselves on being a religious nation. Churches dot the landscape, various pictures whether the old Norman Rockwell type Americana pictures, various churches dot the landscape. In fact, it's always been interesting to me, particularly in the areas ...

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Listen to  The 4th Commandment The 4th Commandment
John H Ogwyn - 1979

You know brethren one of the most obvious things that sets God's Church apart from others is our observance of the Sabbath day. As it is certainly something that makes us stand apart, Peter tells us that we're to be a peculiar people, the world thinks we're peculiar for sure, because of all th ...

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Listen to  The 5th Commandment The 5th Commandment
John H Ogwyn - 1981

We've seen a drastic change in regard to standards and values held by the majority of people, peculiarity in the area of morals, social conduct, family structure, beginning all the way back in a time shortly in the aftermath of World War I. We have seen a drastic change in what has been accepted m ...

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Listen to  The 6th Commandment The 6th Commandment
John H Ogwyn - 1980

History has generally been the study of war and conquests, empires rising and falling, armies marching across the pages of history, rulers who come and go, revolutions, the cues. These are the things of which history is made. That's generally what you read about if you read about who went to war w ...

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Listen to  The 7th Commandment The 7th Commandment
John H Ogwyn - 1980

Do you realize brethren that we in the United States lead the world in divorce, we have the highest divorce rate in the world? 40 percent of all American marriages will end in divorce, 40 percent, an incredible statistic. Now, consider that out of those 40 percent that end in divorce, 80 percent of ...

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Listen to  The 8th Commandment The 8th Commandment
John H Ogwyn - 1980

One of the major topics when things are discussed in this country, one of the major topics when you hear public officials discuss matters, discuss problems. One of the things that inevitably comes up is crime. Right now in the city of Houston we have a Mayor election going on and one of the great ar ...

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Listen to  The 9th Commandment The 9th Commandment
John H Ogwyn - 1980

There was a time here in this nation, particularly in this part of the country, where many times business arrangements were just simply made as a verbal agreement, you know, yes I'll do this or I'll do that and they shook hands and that was it. That was all there was, that was the only contract ...

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Listen to  The Abundant Life The Abundant Life
Harold Way - January 10, 2009

Brethren we recently observed the Feast of Tabernacles and we know the Feast is considered to be a foretaste of what God has instore for all who accept this way of life to which we are called and we also realize that it is actually in a definite time order, we know that we are called as first fruits ...

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Listen to  The Awesome Human Potential The Awesome Human Potential
Herbert W Armstrong - October 16, 1982

Well brethren, it's hard to realize that another feast has come and gone, but I am sure you were all elated. All the reports that I have had from all the feast sites were simply wonderful and everybody says best feast ever and we hope that next year will be and I think it did slightly excel the ye ...View Transcript

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Listen to  The Bible - Good For Your Health? The Bible - Good For Your Health?
Dean C Blackwell

The subject I'd like to cover today, in the time we have left here, is one that I enjoy, you know we have a sign out in Pasadena up on the Academic Complex that says, "The Bible is the foundation of all knowledge", now the Bible isn't all knowledge, you know the Bible isn't an Engineering book ...

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Listen to  The Big Picture The Big Picture
John H Ogwyn - November 11, 2002

Today I want to discuss with you a very important key as far as something that is necessary for successful leaders. We're in training to becoming kings and priests in tomorrow's world. There is a vital key to every successful leader must have and those that don't have it simply are not success ...

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Listen to  The Bride Of Christ The Bride Of Christ
Ronald D Kelly

Mr. Armstrong has been talking quite a lot recently, noticed it in the mail you've been receiving. You also should have noticed it in both the films. And I was sitting there next to Mr. White, both last night and this morning kind of jiving him a little bit and kidding with him on my behalf. I sai ...

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Listen to  The Carnal Mind The Carnal Mind
Dean C Blackwell - 1979

Today I would like to give what I consider to be the most important sermon I've given since I've been here. I mentioned that to the students in Big Sandy toward the end of the Comparative Religion class. I gave the same in the, toward the end of the Christian Leadership class. You find a rather ...

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Listen to  The Cause of Problems In Marriage The Cause of Problems In Marriage
Leroy Neff - July 12, 1980

This summer will mark the 38th anniversary of our marriage, my wife Maxine and I. And anniversaries, at least wedding anniversaries are very important and very precious to me and I hope of course of all you happy people as well. If you're not happy maybe you're not so anxious and happy about the ...

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Listen to  The Church in Prophecy The Church in Prophecy
Herbert W Armstrong - March 28, 1981

Now many of the prophecies are concerned with conditions in the world - world conditions. But I think we are vitally concerned with where are WE in God's Church right now? Where are we in the chain of prophecy? What's happening now? What has just happened? What is going to happen next? We need t ...View Transcript

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