Know The Answer?
Who am I: I went to Egypt to obtain food for my family. On the way home a silver cup was found in my sack.

Genesis 44:12

Good News Magazine
June 1960
Volume: Vol IX, No. 6
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God's Church is leaping ahead as never before! Many vital new developments have occurred recently, including the ordination of eight new ministers, together with other local elders, deacons and deaconesses! HERE is some really GOOD NEWS! Jesus said, "Herein is My Father glorified - that you bear much fruit - so shall ye be My disciples" (John 15:8). And really great fruit is being born by Ambassador College and the Church of God! Ordination Service. At the Sabbath day services in the Shakespeare Club in Pasadena, on June 4th, Mr. Armstrong, accompanied by other ministers at the Headquarters Church, held a wonderful ordination service - in which SEVEN NEW MINISTERS OF GOD WERE ORDAINED! This brought to a total of eight the number of new preaching elders to be ordained in the Church of God within the last few weeks! The previous Sabbath, May 28th, Mr. Hal Baird, formerly of the Corpus Christi, Texas Church, was ordained as a preaching elder. Mr. Baird had to be ordained the Sabbath before some of the other men so he could leave to assist Mr. Raymond Cole in the churches at Eugene and Salem, and to be a help in the Pacific Northwest area on the day of Pentecost.

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Good News MagazineJune 1960Vol IX, No. 6