
Listen to  What It Means To Be An Unworthy Servant What It Means To Be An Unworthy Servant
Dibar K Apartian - February 9, 1980

Could you please tell me what it means to be an unworthy servant, or unprofitable servant? I know a woman very well, she is very much in the Church, thankful and trying hard, yet she was afraid that she wasn't growing enough, fast enough, or perhaps well enough. The scripture she had in mind was i ...

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Listen to  What Kind of Bride Will Christ Marry? What Kind of Bride Will Christ Marry?
Robert F Bertuzzi - 1979 - Feast of Tabernacles

Good morning; for me this is the greatest feast that I have ever been to, my 20th one and for me it is the greatest ever. I'm sure many of you feel the same way, the spirit is here of God and I just don't feel much of the spirit of the devil here in this room; we're very thankful for that. We ...

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Listen to  What Makes You Happy? What Makes You Happy?
Edward G Denkler - December 8, 1984

Smiling faces out there. What can make you unhappy? You know psychiatrists believe that many things can affect our mood, to be happy, to be unhappy, to be distressed or to be calm. Psychiatrists in Ohio State, a doctor there said, "Take a look outside", you may take a look out that window there, he ...

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Listen to  What Today Really Means What Today Really Means
Herbert W Armstrong - October 8, 1981 - Atonement

Now watching world events as we have been doing, and I've been right on top of it all of the time watching it very, very closely, that it seems for the last 15 years that God has been holding up the progress of events in the world, that they have not continued to gain momentum quite as fast as the ...

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Listen to  What Will Your Job Be In The Kingdom? What Will Your Job Be In The Kingdom?
Robert C Jones - 1980 - Feast of Tabernacles

What do you want to be when you grow up? Now you might think, well I'll tune this guy out he's going to talk to the kids, not so. I'm going to talk to the kids yes, but I'm going talk to everybody who is here, who can hear my voice and understand what I am saying. Now when I put it that way ...

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Listen to  Where Are The Laws Of The New Covenant Written? Where Are The Laws Of The New Covenant Written?
Herman L Hoeh - 1985

I wanted to take the time this morning to deal with a topic that, in a sense, developed from what I had given in the Long Beach Church. I want to address a question that most of us probably think we know the answers to, or the answer to, that you wouldn't disagree with, that I doubt you ever sat d ...

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Listen to  Why Are We Here On Earth? Why Are We Here On Earth?
Herbert W Armstrong - April 25, 1981 - Unleavened Bread

Well, how nice it is to see all of you and to realize what a large group we have here on God's Holy Day and everything has gone along quite well I realize that God has answered many prayers and no doubt quite pleased with what is being done here this morning and now what we're going to hear from ...

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Listen to  Why Are We Here? Why Are We Here?
Herbert W Armstrong - October 6, 1978 - Feast of Tabernacles

Well greetings everybody! This is the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles, and let me ask as I used to ask year after year in times past, why are we here? Well let me say once again, as I have said so many times through the years, we are here to look forward into, and to as it were, enjoy a part o ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Why Are You Here? Why Are You Here?
Dean C Blackwell - 1978 - Feast of Tabernacles

Mr. Herbert Armstrong always asked the question, "Why are we here?" One guy over in Jekyll one year said, "Because you're not all there". I don't think that is the answer really. Why are we here? I want to ask one question though before I launch into the sermon, I've used enough filler time he ...

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Listen to  Why Become Perfect? Why Become Perfect?
Norman A Smith - April 10, 1955

Because I just merely ask them, how do you know what happens after death, is there any life after death? Do the dead know anything or are they unconscious? I said science can contribute nothing, there are many ideas, the pagans have some superstitious ideas, there's this so-called Christian idea, ...

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Listen to  Why Church Doctrine? Why Church Doctrine?
Carl E McNair - December 30, 1995

There's recently a book published entitled, "Why Waco?" This book is written by James D Tabor and Eugene Gallagher, it was written by a man who is not unfriendly toward the Churches of God, he at one time was a student, one of the men, was a student at Ambassador College and also I think a member ...

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Listen to  Why Did God Kill The Firstborn? Why Did God Kill The Firstborn?
Tracey C Rogers - 1981 - Unleavened Bread

And I'm here to ask you the question, this afternoon or this morning rather, and that is "why did God kill the firstborn?" This has a great deal to do with what we've been keeping here the last several days and maybe we need to go back a bit before that period of time, but doesn't that seem a ...

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Listen to  Why Do We Fast? Why Do We Fast?
Dean C Blackwell - October 11, 1978 - Atonement

The Midland paper yesterday had an article on the front of section B this is especially striking to me because we had some guests in our home last night on their way to the Feast in Big Sandy and they live out just maybe 50 miles from where this happened. Spartan, Nevada the 51 year old Merchant Sea ...

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Listen to  Why Does God Want Us To Build Character? Why Does God Want Us To Build Character?
Jess D Ernest - October 11, 1979 - Feast of Tabernacles

Good morning, everyone. It's a blessing and privilege to see so many brothers and sisters in Christ gathered together. I don't know about you, but sometimes I feel I just don't get any respect. It happened last year at the Ozark. I was given the privilege of a sermon opportunity down in the Fe ...

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Listen to  Why God Allows Problems in His Church Why God Allows Problems in His Church
John H Ogwyn - November 28, 1998

Well brethren a lot obviously has been going on and a lot of things have been transpiring, I know that, that has been on the minds of certainly most of you some of you may not have been aware of some of these things, but you know, when problems come on and difficulties in life whether it's in our ...

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