Since so many of you are new, I estimated perhaps a third at least from those who rose yesterday evening, a third of you have never been here before, some of you have been baptized with in the last year and have the opportunity perhaps only in the last month or two to read any articles explaining th ...
Greetings to all of you and I would like to bring you greetings also from your brethren in the German speaking area and from the Aufenthalt staff at Baun. My wife sends you her greetings, so many that she knows here. She could not be here this time because she is going to be coming in January with m ...
Now then I'm coming to the most important part of all. Jesus said, "I will build My Church." But He said also John 6:44. Read it in your Bible there. I've read it so many times. John 6:44 No man CAN come to me... There's only one door to God, and that's Christ. There's no other way you can ...
My wife and I were called into the Church and started attending in 1951 and I think that in 1951 when I went to the Feast of Tabernacles, at least for part of the time, I think it was a weekend in Belknap Springs, we had one person who is here in this audience, it might have been more than one. Is t ...
I would like to ask this afternoon, and also to answer, "WHY the Church?" Why should there be the Church? There are churches all over the western world. They're attended every Sunday by a good section of the population. Do most people realize why there should be a church, or do they just take it f ...
It is God that designates and sets apart, He tells us in the book of Leviticus chapter 23 as to why we are here today, why we're not out pursuing our work and our labors in the way that the community around us is. God tells us in Leviticus chapter 23, verse 26 (Leviticus 23:26). "the Eternal spoke ...
Why are we the firstfruits? WHY? I'm not talking about what, when, or how, or anything else; but why? We are the firstfruits to become teachers to teach others. The Church is school. And we are to be taught the way of God, the way of life; and to be taught of God's program - of God's program t ...
Why The Holy Days? Herbert W Armstrong - October 13, 1979 - Last Great Day
Now, there might be some little problem of discerning, exactly, whether that meant the day that really followed the Feast of Tabernacles. Because they were still all there, just like we are today. Or whether that meant the last of the seven days, which would have been yesterday in our time of this F ...
You know everyone ought to realize that God is a God of order, not of confusion and since He is a God of order He must have an orderly manner by which He is going to bring about His world. Now since God is not the author of confusion, but of order and peace, He's got to have a system by which He b ...
Why We Are Here Herbert W Armstrong - October 10, 1957 - Feast of Tabernacles
Everybody wants that blessing, and all too often, people are not willing to go in the direction that God has said that will produce the blessings. The world wants the blessing. The world isn't finding it because the world is going right away from it, going in the opposite direction, because the wo ...
On Monday, for our third visit this year up to Orr, Minnesota for the camp up there and then I'm going over to the camp Lake Loma, or whatever you call it Lake Loma anyway in Scotland, however they pronounce it over there in Scotland and I think it's good and perhaps necessary that I get over an ...
I feel like coming home, you know? I used to be a Pastor or Co-Pastor or perhaps an assistant here or just a laymen, I don't know, for about 2 years under Dr. Hoeh and Mr. Richard Rice and a who else Dr. Hoeh [laugh], anyway so, except we used to get up early in the morning to get here was 10:30 i ...
Well, good morning! I guess for a minute until the lights come on and you can see, I can talk about nothing, at least say hello. Oh, it seems to me my wife and I were discussing and trying to figure out the last time it was that we were here and I had the opportunity to be in the church, actually in ...
Recently in the Reader's Digest the current December addition, there is a cover article you may have read or certainly probably have seen, cover article is "Who's Millennium" and then there's a picture, photograph reportedly of Christ, or depicting Christ. The article is written by Paul Johnso ...
What type of vision do you have? 20/20, 60/40 a 0/0, what kind of vision do you have? How do you see things in life? Do you always see things that are right in front of you, or do you only see things that are a far off, are you near sighted, are you far sighted? Is your vision in proper perspective? ...