
Listen to  Servant Leadership Servant Leadership
Carl E McNair - February 3, 1996

We have a new name for our Club, "The Something Club", [cough - pardon me] but a, let me have a moment or two to talk to get the frog out of my throat. Mr. Meredith suggested that I sing there and caught me off balance and I swallowed my tongue. I could sing you a song that I learned very, very youn ...

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Listen to  Serving Serving
David Johnson - September 7, 1985

All of us have been thinking a great deal about the Feast of Tabernacles undoubtedly, at least if we haven't we'd better get with it because it's coming up very close upon us now and something we're anticipating and looking forward to a great deal. Probably in the course of that we've been ...

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Listen to  Serving Serving
James E Reyer - October 11, 1976 - Feast of Tabernacles

Certainly had very fine music at the Feast of Tabernacles and that certainly was, I think, a very, very fine appropriate song for this Festival. You know, I had a hard time getting charged up to prepare this sermon after I found out that only Carl Gusterson would be listening. Jim Chapman was very m ...

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Listen to  Seven Anchors Seven Anchors
Dennis G Luker - 1979

Well I have one hour which is plenty I think for my sermon. Might mention before getting right in to it though that, several of us, 4 of us actually are doing a lot of traveling now, Mr. Armstrong has asked, Mr. Burk McNair, Mr. Dean Blackwell, Mr. Leroy Neff and myself to be out visiting the church ...

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Listen to  Seven Keys for Growth Seven Keys for Growth
John H Ogwyn - May 6, 1995

Do you remember back when you first began listening to the broadcast or first began receiving the literature, when you first began to come to an awareness that God was working in your life in a personal way? And God was dealing with you and bring you to an understanding of certain things and you cam ...

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Listen to  Seven Reasons Teens Should Support God's Work Seven Reasons Teens Should Support God's Work
Malcolm R Tofts

Good morning brethren; I would like to ask a question this morning, I'd just like to know how many teenagers do we have here this morning, doesn't matter where you kept the Feast, could I see a show of hands of all the teenagers that we have here, don't be shy, well we have quite a number, tha ...

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Listen to  Seven Steps To Effective Repentance Seven Steps To Effective Repentance
Leon Walker - September 30, 1977 - Feast of Tabernacles

Good morning once again everybody; we're already halfway through the festival besides just over halfway through, we've completed 4 days already and today included we have 4 to go, so we're at the halfway mark. Things are going quite smoothly I feel. Where will you be a year from now, spiritual ...

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Listen to  SIN SIN
Herbert W Armstrong - April 4, 1983 - Unleavened Bread

I John 1:8-10 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. (9) If we [And "we" means the Church.] confess our sins [If, when we slip, we do confess it ... and it doesn't say just your faults. It says sins!], he is faithful and just to forgive US [The "us" means ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Six Points To Get The Feeling Back Six Points To Get The Feeling Back
Michael V Swagerty - 1977 - Feast of Tabernacles

You know, at the Feast of Tabernacles, I think probably every minister, before he has an opportunity to speak, kind of sits down and agonizes and says, "What shall I speak about? What might be helpful at the Feast of Tabernacles to give people some encouragement and uplift, to help them go home with ...

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Listen to  Spiritual Freedoms Spiritual Freedoms
James L Chapman - October 9, 1976 - Feast of Tabernacles

The little power of Bay Saint Louis took us about 30 minutes, and we had to wait then about 15 minutes. Then, this motorcade came by, and we were able to see and to hear, and to eventually shake the hand of the President of the United States, Gerald Ford. Now, that was quite a thrill. I don't mind ...

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Listen to  Spiritual Health Checkup Spiritual Health Checkup
Herbert W Armstrong - April 16, 1983

Last night in the Bible Study I was reading to you from I Corinthians the 11th chapter and verse 22. I would like to read it again. In verse 28, I should say - verse 28. I Corinthians 11:28 But [and this is just before the Passover, but] let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread an ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Spiritual Warfare Spiritual Warfare
John H Ogwyn - January 26, 2002 them might war a good warfare, having faith and a good conscience, with some having put away, concerning faith, have made ship wrecked. So, Paul talked about, talked to Timothy and he said, "I am committing a charge unto you, I'm giving you something that is a crucial thing, this charge I co ...

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Listen to  Stand Against The Wind Stand Against The Wind
Don Waterhouse - 1978

A famous writer once said, "It is good for a man to stand against the wind." And the wind as we know, whether it be poetry or in the Bible is symbolic of trouble, wind is symbolic of opposition, it is symbolic of tribulation and so I think it is fitting this morning to take a quotation like this "It ...

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Listen to  Stay the Course Stay the Course
Leroy Neff

The times have been difficult and they're going to be more difficult, I'm sure we all realize as time goes on. And they have, what some would say, has stayed the course til now, I presume you've heard the term "stay the course", what does that mean to you? It of course literally means to stay ...

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Listen to  Steps to Overcoming Steps to Overcoming
John H Ogwyn - April 15, 1995 - Unleavened Bread

Well, brethren here we are on the first day of the Day's of Unleavened Bread, the beginning of the seven-day festival that God commands us to keep, we read of it back in Exodus 12, we read of it in Leviticus 23, we read of it in various places in Numbers 33 and Deuteronomy 16 and other locations i ...

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