Feast of Tabernacles

The little power of Bay Saint Louis took us about 30 minutes, and we had to wait then about 15 minutes. Then, this motorcade came by, and we were able to see and to hear, and to eventually shake the hand of the President of the United States, Gerald Ford. Now, that was quite a thrill. I don't mind telling you, it doesn't matter what your political affiliation, whether you're Republican or Democrat, or neutral or whatever. But it was a thrill to actually look in the eye and shake the hand of the reigning President of the United States of America, the most important and powerful and influential post that there is. He is a tall, strong man. He gives you a very solid handshake and friendly. But I couldn't help but think that it would be very nice to just be able to sit down in the White House with Mr. Ford and just talk, and find out what it's really like to be a President. Some of his thoughts and some of his hopes and dreams, and so on, on a one-to-one basis.
Transcript of this Sermon coming.