
Listen to  Trials Trials
Carn A Catherwood

You know brethren as a Minister over the years I've been called on, as we all are, numerous times to give comfort to brethren facing a major crisis, or trauma some place in their lives, perhaps a sickness, loss of a job which can be very traumatic to some people, to most people, the death of a lov ...

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Listen to  True Happiness True Happiness
Dennis G Luker - 1979 - Feast of Tabernacles

Aloha brethren, yea right, see Mr. Ames has been there or else somebody told him what to do in Hawaii whenever you say aloha to everyone, they always say it back, I'll do it again, it means hello, how are you, welcome, all of those things. Aloha brethren, [Aloha]. Now that's done where brethren ...

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Listen to  True Riches True Riches
Maceo D Hampton - November 28, 1981

In 1976, there was a information fact-finding search, you might say, made concerning the trace minerals and the various chemical substances, and various other things in the human body. That's gold, I think there's zinc, I don't know, manganese, all the various things, some of your chemists wou ...

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Listen to  Trumpets And The Purpose Of The Church Trumpets And The Purpose Of The Church
Herbert W Armstrong - September 11, 1980 - Trumpets

Now these annual Festivals have very, very great meaning. And, you know for a long time I found that many of our ministers were not preaching about the meaning of these days - they'd preach on any old subject at the Feast of Tabernacles or at any other Holy Day. Well, I don't think this is happe ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Two Factors to Cause USA's Downfall Two Factors to Cause USA's Downfall
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1957

I think since Mr. Rea certainly went through a lot of experiences on his trip last time I am not going to repeat practically word for word what he told you, but I did talk to Mr. Mulk about this a little bit and I felt myself that the one thing you'd be more interested in than anything else, would ...

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Listen to  Two Questions Two Questions
Herbert W Armstrong - March 29, 1983 - Unleavened Bread

Brethren it sounds like the choir were rejoicing over that offering this morning and I think even the sun is too, the way it has been shining all day. And it just reminds me that since we celebrated, the night before last, the Passover and Christ paying the penalty of our sins in our stead, that tha ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Understanding Passover Understanding Passover
Carn A Catherwood - Passover

In barely one week, that is one week less a day, Friday evening, the people of the Church of God will be coming together around the world to observe Passover which is a night service, I hope you realize why it is a night service; it's a deeply moving time. It must be held in the evening, it is a h ...

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Listen to  United States of EUROPE IS COMING! United States of EUROPE IS COMING!
Herbert W Armstrong - November 27, 1982

I learned a number of things in Europe. In Europe I talked with heads of government, especially in Athens and in Spain. I had a very fine meeting with the king of Spain, King Juan Carlos, whom I had met eight years before when he was the Crown Prince; and he was very glad to see me again. And in fac ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Unity Unity
Herbert W Armstrong - February 4, 1984

Psalm 133:1 How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! You know, the world has been trying to get together in unity ever since Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden about 6,000 years ago. It's been a goal that has been striven for to bring about inter-racial, internation ...View Transcript

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Listen to  Utopia Utopia
John H Ogwyn - October 13, 1981 - Feast of Tabernacles

Very good to lookout and to see all of you here on this the last day of The Feast of Tabernacles, of course tomorrow, you'll all go home tonight, because of course tomorrow is yet another festival, the festival of The Last Great Day. Down through the centuries there have been many plans and attemp ...

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Listen to  Vision of The Kingdom Vision of The Kingdom
James A Wells - September 26, 1980 - Feast of Tabernacles

I guess the chorale is mostly down and sitting down. It certainly is just a glorious day, a perfect Feast of Tabernacles Day. This time of the year and this part of the country can give us this glorious weather, and I certainly hope you're all enjoying the feast. At least the weather can't take ...

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Listen to  Wait On God Wait On God
Don Waterhouse - 1978

I mentioned to you a minute ago that I did receive this letter, I think most all the Ministers must have, from a member in California who makes this statement, this lady says; "It's time to tell the Church that many members at their Headquarters", talking about Pasadena, "feel that because of corr ...

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Listen to  Warning Warning
Kenneth M Martin - 1984

A very pleasant good morning to you all, it's a real opportunity to be able to speak when in Pasadena and any of the Church congregations. Mr. Tkach mentioned to me the other day that I would have the opportunity to speak in the Imperial A.M., I was very, very gratified because it gives me an oppo ...

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Listen to  Warning To The Church Warning To The Church
Herbert W Armstrong - July 1, 1978

Well, greetings everybody. I have called a special day of prayer and fasting today because God's church is IN FATAL DANGER! And I can't say that loud enough to hammer it home to you. We don't realize, my brethren, the way we've been drifting. We have been doing just what you heard in the ser ...View Transcript

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Listen to  We Are Family We Are Family
Kenneth R Swisher - October 14, 1981 - Feast of Tabernacles

I certainly want to thank the festival choir and all of those who are participating in the special music. It's been absolutely excellent, and we really appreciate it. I don't know what's wrong with Texas, but I've got another announcement here this morning. This is an emergency. This pertain ...

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