The Swedes, too, have a remarkable history which modern critical historians have largely rejected. Rejected, not because the historians have disproved the facts, but because they simply do not want to believe the records. Who today would believe that there was an Odin? — a god who made his appearance among the Swedes and Saxons? The idea would be laughed out of school because there were no gods! It seems never to have occurred to historians that" the heathen would have called a flesh-and-blood king a god — and deified him. Has the twentieth century already forgotten a man named Hitler whom the German Propaganda Minister Goebbels called "Mein Fuehrer und mein Gott" — "My Fuehrer and my God"?
Let Swedish history speak for itself. The early chronicles and sagas of the Scandinavians reveal a remarkable story. The regnal lists give us the time setting The story they have to tell does not agree with the modern concept of northern barbarians who had no sense of history until perhaps nine or ten centuries after the Christian Era. History writers have been so enamored of Rome that any record not preserved by the Romans is looked upon as unhistorical. What is unhistorical is the view that the Romans preserved all that merits the name history. Rome did not preserve. Rome destroyed. And anyway, of what interest would the history of Scandinavia have been to Roman circus-lovers? In the Middle Ages Swedish writers began the process of digesting the mass of information preserved in their early chronicles and sagas. Among them the name Bertius should be especially named. Bertius' "History of Sweden" has been in part, though not altogether correctly, summarized by James Anderson in his "Royal Genealogies." The early history of Scandinavia is a remarkable confirmation of the Biblical record and of the early history of the German and Mediterranean peoples. It begins with the story of the dispersal of the families of the earth by Noah. It was this God-decreed event against which Nimrod rebelled. Why should people not be free to go where they pleased? After all this was their earth! Or so he thought. From Persian and Italian history it has already been determined that the migration to various parts of the world began in 2261. Swedish chronicles trace the history of this migration and of the peoples who have since inhabited Scandinavia. The story opens with the migration of Magog out of the region of Ararat or Armenia. The family of Magog at first settled in the vast reaches of the Eurasian steppes. From there most of his descendants spread north and east through Bactria and Turkestan into Mongolia and China. A few spread northwest — by 2260, says Bertius — into the North Russian plains and the lands bordering on the Baltic. At this very day may be found a semi-Mongoloid people — the Lapps — inhabiting the Scandinavian Arctic with their reindeer. Sweden was also inhabited in early times by Goths — whom all writers admit were the children of Gether, the son of Aram. Now notice the chronological record of these early events from Bertius outlined here:
1. Magog 43 2260-2217
2. Suevus or Sweno, the older 56 2217-2161 brother of Gether. His Biblical name is Uz, the father of the Suevonians, Ausonians and Sitonians (see Gen. 10:23).
3. Gether, younger son of Aram 60 2161-2101
4. Ubbo, who settled Upsal 101 2101-2000 Significantly, the date 2101 also brings Noah into Italy again. The year 2000 is the time of the division of Europe by Tuisto, king of the Germans.
5. Siggo 10 2000-1990
Danish history declares that from this date — 1990 — Scandinavia, and in particular Denmark, had Judges, rather than kings, who governed for the space of 950 years. It was exactly 950 years until 1040 and the coming of king Odin — Danus I of Denmark (see Danish history). Swedish history continues with names of famous Scandinavian Judges — in some cases they assumed the royal title. Bertius lists them as follows:
6. Eric I, began in 1990 11. Biorn I
7. Uddo 12. Gethar II
8. Ale 13. Siggo II
9. Osten I 14. Berich or Eric
10. Karl or Charles I
Berich became king in 1511 according to Bertius. He ruled the Goths 40 years. According to Jordanus, the historian of the Goths, Berich led them out of Scandinavia to the Middle East. This is also the period of the sudden appearance in Mesopotamia of the Gothic people — the Guti. (At that time, as in later days, the Goths were widely scattered. Many had settled in the regions of Bactria northeast of Mesopotamia; others had been in Eastern Europe and Scandinavia.) Berich or Eric appears in Greece in the Athenian list of kings. There his name is Erichthonius He came to power in Athens the year of the Exodus — 1487. After Berich, Bertius' Swedish history preserves only one other name — the fifteenth in order — Humulf. He is called the successor of Berich. Swedish history does not pick up again until the time of Humble, son of Danus I of Denmark. At this point in Swedish history Bertius has placed his list upwards of between two and three centuries too early. His confusion arose from misunderstanding who Danus I of Denmark was. There was an earlier Danus — in the 1200's. He led the Tuatha De Danaan (who had come from Greece in the time of Jabin king of Canaan) from Scandinavia to Scotland and then into Ireland. That Danus was not Danus I of Denmark.
Swedish history recommences after the period of judges, just after the time of Danus I. Danus led a Hebrew-Trojan migration to Northwestern Europe. Properly restored from a comparison with contemporary Danish history, Bertius' list of Swedish rulers should appear as follows:
16. Humble, son of Danus I (8) (999- 991) of Denmark. The figure and date at the right are from Danish history Bertius gives no figure.
17. Gothlias (40) (991- 951)
18. Sigtaug 33 951- 918
19. Scarin 40 918- 878
20. Suibdager, king of Norway. 60 878- 818 He ruled Denmark for 40 years
21. Hasmund, son of Suibdager 48 818- 770
22. Uffo, son of Hasmund 44 770- 726
23. Hunding 48 726- 678
24. Regner, son of Hunding and 29 678- 649 younger brother-in-law of Frotho I of Denmark.
25. Hotobrod, son of Regner 65 678- 613 He was associated with his father on the throne during a period of Danish domination of Sweden.
26. Atilla I 49 613- 564
27. Hothar, king of Sweden and 78 564- 486 Denmark Hothar is usually dated 527-485 in Danish history. And his son Roric in Denmark is given 49 years — 485- 436, But the list of Danish kings in "Historisch — und Geographisches" Lexicon by Jacob Iselin, art. "Danemarck," assigns 50 years to Roric — 486-436. This confirms the Swedish dating. The year 486-485 was the climax of a Danish revolt against Hotobrod.
28. Roric 84 520- 436 He reigned jointly with his father for many years, while his father governed Denmark.
29. Attila II, or Atisle 30 436- 406
30. Botwildus, son of Attila II 42 406- 364
31. Charles II 48 364- 316
32. Gramus — 316-
From here on there is no record of the lengths of reign of any Swedish ruler until the time of Augustus Caesar. The political divisions of the country probably acknowledged no supreme ruler over the whole of the land. Only the following list of names is recorded for the intervening period.
33. Tordo I
34. Gotharus
35. Adolphus, son of Gotharus
36. Algodus I
37. Erich II
38. Lindornus, son of Eric II
39. Alrich or Abric He became king of Sweden in the days of Augustus Caesar. Following his murder Eric III ascended the throne.
40. Eric III 22 18 B.C. to A.D. 5 Bertius gives the longer (or 79) 75 B.C. to A.D. 5 figure, which must indicate that a lengthy struggle for the kingship occurred in the days of Alrich and Eric. Hereafter there is a consecutive list of kings. The political stability of Sweden returned.
Swedish history now continues to the time of Njord or Nearch — 256. The following list of Swedish kings may be readily found in James Anderson's "Royal Genealogies." Unfortunately the author failed to take note of no Year 0. Consequently all these Swedish kings are dated one year too early! The corrected dates are below.
41. Godrich 30 5- 35
42. Haldan I 36 35- 71
43. Filmer 14 71- 85
44. Nordian 16 85- 101
45. Siward I 31 101- 132
46. Charles II 38 132- 170
47. Erich IV 12 170- 182
48, Haldan II (Bergiamus), 13 182- 195 died without heir
49. Unguin 9 195- 204 He ruled Denmark 146-155. He came to the Swedish throne in his old age.
50. Ragwald 17 204- 221
51. Amund I 5 221- 226
52. Haron 9 226- 235
53. Siward II 6 235- 241
54. Ingo I, Gylfe 6 241- 247 Odin appears in his day.
55. Nearch or Njord 9 247- 256
56. Froda or Frey called Yngve 2 256- 258
57. Urbarus 5 258- 263
58. Ostevus 1 263- 264
59. Fiolmus 10 264- 274
60. Swercher I 5 274- 279
61. Waland or Vanland 4 279- 283
The Yngling family began to reign in 256, the year Saxon history (which will appear at the end of this chapter) brings the family of Odin to Northwestern Europe. The people whom Odin brought originally came from Asaheim — the home or land of God ("the gods" in pagan Swedish terminology). Many writers have placed the migration of this period three centuries too early. They have confused another Odin — Danus III (146-77) — with this later Odin.
62. Wisbur 6 283- 289
63. Domalder 19 289- 308
64. Domar 7 308- 315
65. Attila III 22 315- 337
66. Dignerus or Dygve 5 337- 342
67. Dagerus or Dag 24 342- 366
68. Alricus 2 366- 368
69. Ingemarus I 11 368- 379
70. Ingelderus 4 379- 383
71. Germundus 5 383- 388
72. Hakon 12 388- 400
73. Egilus 6 400- 406
74. Gotharus or Ottar 16 406- 422
75. Fasto 6 422- 428
76. Gumundus 6 428- 434
77. Adelus 4 434- 438
78. Osten II 16 438- 454
79. Ingemarus II 2 454- 456
80. Holstenus 5 456- 461
81. Biornus II 4 461- 465
82. Ragwaldus II 17 465- 482
83. Swartmannus 28 482- 510
84. Tordo II 1 510- 511
85. Rodulf 17 511- 528
86. Hatinus 21 528- 549
87. Attila IV 16 549- 565
88. Tordo III 18 565- 583
89. Algodus 24 583- 607
90. Godstagus 24 607- 631
91. Arthus 19 631- 650
92. Hakon II 21 650- 671
93. Charles IV 6 671- 677
94. Charles V 9 677- 686
95. Borgerus 15 686- 701
96. Eric V 17 701- 718
97. Tordo IV 47 718- 765
98. Biorn III 16 765- 781
99. Alaric II 33 781- 814
100. Biorn IV 11 814- 825
101. Bratemunder 3 825- 828
102. Siward III 15 828- 843
103. Heroth 14 843- 857
104. Charles VI 12 857- 869
105. Biorn V 15 869- 884
106. Ingold 8 884- 892
107. Claus I 9 892- 901
108. Ingo II 7 901- 908
109. Eric VI 19 908- 927
110. Eric VII 14 927- 941
111. Eric VIII 40 941- 981
112. Olaus II, the Lap-king 38 981-1019
113. Amund II 21 1019-1040
114. Amund III 2 1040-1042
115. Hakon Ruffus 13 1042-1055
116. Stenchil 5 1055-1060
117. Ingo II, first Christian 5 1060-1065 king of Sweden and Gothland.
118. Halsten 16 1065-1081
119. Philip 30 1081-1111
120. Aquin or Ingo IV 19 1111-1130
Ingo is said to have been poisoned in 1125. A struggle for the throne ensued. As there was no direct male heir of the house of Stenkil, the descendants on the female side of the family claimed right to rule.
121. Ragnald, king of the Upper Swedes during period of confusion.
122. Mangus I, a Danish prince, 4 1130-1134 king of West Gothland
123. Swecher II, chosen in 1133, began to reign in 1134 (see "Encyclopaedia Britannica," eleventh edition, art. "Sweden"). Most thorough histories on Sweden are complete and accurate from this period. A helpful work to consult is the "History of Sweden" by Cronholm. Some dates may vary because the end of reign does not always mark the date of death.
Saxon history is intimately tied to the history of Denmark and especially Sweden. The Saxon throne in England today goes back to the same royal lines that anciently governed Denmark and Sweden. Each ultimately stems from the Jewish Trojan House of Darda or Dardanus. Let us pick up our investigation of this Jewish royal family that came from Troy to Denmark under Odin or Danus I in 1040. In the chapter on Danish history the records of Iceland and Phoenicia proved that Jacob or Israel was the ancestor of the ancient Trojan royal house. From Israel the line descended through Judah and Zarah to Dardanus. Dardanus carved out an important inheritance for himself at Troy. The lineage of Dardanus is brought down after the first fall of Troy for several generations to Sceaf or Odin (Danus) in the Icelandic records. From the Danish royal house the following branch sprang, giving rise to the Saxon royal house that today governs England. This collateral line is preserved in the old "Saxon Chronicle" and in the Icelandic Langfedgatal. Spellings vary slightly, and not every generation is recorded in each. For that matter neither did Matthew record every generation of Jesus' lineage. This list commences with Shem, son of Noah and continues with
Sceaf or Odin I (1040-999) Beu
Beadwig Gearwa
Wala Fingondwelf
Hathra Frederewelf
Itermond Freolf
Heremod Fredewald
Celdwa Woden (256-300)
This Odin — only a part of whose ancestors appear above — is a famous hero in all Scandinavian literature His fame rests upon having led a vast multitude from the Near East, on the borders of the Roman Empire, to Northwest Europe. The real name of Woden was Bodo. He is found also listed among the early princes of Saxony The following list preserves the traditional chronology and genealogy of Bodo's immediate ancestors who ruled the Saxons to the time of Bodo the Woden.
Kings Over the Saxons Lengths of Reign Dates
1. Harderich 93 90 B.C. to A.D. 4
2. Anserich 4 4- 8
3. Wilke I 22 8- 30
4. Svarticke I 46 30- 76
5. Svarticke II 4 76- 80
6. Sigward 20 80- 100
7. Witekind I 6 100- 106
8. Wilke II 84 106- 190
9. Marbod 66 190- 256
10. Bodo or Woden 44 256- 300 His queen was named Frea.
From Bodo sprang, among many others, the following princes after 300:
11. Witte I 50 300- 350
12. Witte II 50 350- 400
13. Witigislus 34 400- 434
14. Hengist 14 434- 448
Hengist traditionally sailed to England in 449 and established several sons on thrones over the various divisions of the Anglo-Saxons. They finally united into the single royal house that now, through many intermarriages, rules the British Isles. In his continental realm Hengist left his son Hartwaker who ruled 32 years — 448-480. The line continued in Saxony in Germany until Witekind II, the Great — 768-785. Witekind was conquered by Charlemagne in 785.