After Troy fell, in 1181, the populace in the conquered regions fled from the Greeks to various parts of Europe. One of these groups was led by Aeneas and finally reached Italy. But, there were other groups who left Troy after the First Trojan War. Another group of Trojan refugees was led by Francio the son of the ill-fated Hector, and heir to the line of Samothes in Gaul. These fled to the northern shore of the Black Sea, then returned to Isauria in Asia Minor, from where they migrated to Pannonia and then on to Western Europe. From these Trojans is descended the house of the Dukes of Brabant (an old province embracing parts of modern Belgium and the Netherlands). From this Assyro-Judaic family came Charlemagne, the first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation. A complete list of these Trojan rulers, from Hector down to Charlemagne, is found in the work by Jhr. C. A. Rethaan Macar? entitled "Oude Kronijk van Brabant", in the "Codex Diplomaticus Neerlandicus," series 2, part 3, published by Het Historisch Genootschap te Utrecht, Utrecht, Holland in 1855. The chronology starts with 1181 and continues right down the line without complications till Silvius Brabon II, who begins to reign in 732. The beginning and end of each reign is synchronized with contemporary Biblical history, which, incidentally, is presented in its correct chronology down to a period long after the dividing of the monarchy. Between Silvius Brabon II and Troylus II (370-331) complications are introduced. The author will state a certain figure for the length of the reign, yet this will completely disagree with the length of reign obtained through his cross references to contemporary Roman history. Silvius Brabon II, for example, is stated to have reigned 60 years. Yet, the cross references of the beginning and end of his reign in terms of Roman history show that he reigned only 32 years. The difficulty is readily overcome when we realize that the Trojan rulers of this period shared the throne jointly with either a successor or a predecessor. The author preserved the correct lengths of individual reigns only in the cross references to contemporary Roman history. Charlemagne, too, it must be remembered, ruled jointly with his brother. The recording of joint reigns ceases after Troylus II and the chronology again becomes uniform. Troylus II ruled jointly with his successor, Priamus VI. It will be noticed, below, that even in the figures for his sole reign, the last year overlaps with the first year of his successor. This is stated in the author's cross references to contemporary Roman and Greek history. Under the Princes and Dukes of Brabant there are two short interregnums which become apparent from the chronology, one in A.D. 456-459 and the other in A.D. 714-715. We must remember that this is the story of Brabant though the individuals concerned had other dominions and offices as well. Charlemagne, for example, was a Duke of Brabant, but he was also King of the Franks and Holy Roman Emperor at the same time. The short interregnums therefore mean nothing more than that the title to the dukedom was vacant for that period of time. The ruler himself was usually alive, but simply did not claim the dukedom. This is only a matter of internal politics and does not affect the chronology of the history as a whole.
Kings Length of Reign Dates
1. Francio, son of Hector, 21 1181-1160 flees from Troy with his brother Turcus to 10 1160-1150 Maeotis, where they rule 21 years. From there they migrate to Isauria, where Francio drives out his brother Turcus and reigns 10 years.
2. Hector II, marries 31 1150-1119 daughter of king of Cilicia.
3. Troylus 56 1119-1063
4. Francio II, whose brother — Priam led a migration of Trojans from Isauria to Pannonia, where they remained till expelled by Gratian.
Kings Length of Reign Dates
1. Priamus II, son of 27 1063-1036 Francio II, commences his reign on the Danube in the 118th year after the fall of Troy, builds city Sycambria.
2. Eneas, marries his 57 1036- 979 aunt, the daughter of Francio II of Isauria.
3. Priamus III, had a 14 979- 965 Scythian wife.
4. Silvius Brabon, had six 49 965- 916 sons. Wandalus settled among the Vandals, Polex gave his name to Poland, Russo went into Russia, Himus migrated to Maeotis, Frixius went to Frisia, and Brabon Silvius inherited his father's throne.
5. Brabon Silvius I 35 916- 881
6. Hector III, in whose 34 881- 847 days six Sicambrian heroes or rulers, led by one Yber, migrated overland from Sicambria to France with about 4000 men. They built a city and called it Paris, after the son of Priam. Themselves they called Parisii.
7. Francio Brabon, had 76 847- 771 a son Troylus and a daughter Ylia. She became, according to the author, the mother of Romulus and Remus.
11. Hector Brabon, had 37 700- 663 two sons, Demophon and Palamides. Demophon went to Rome where he married the daughter of Ancus Marcius and had by her a son called Tarquinus, who became king of Rome.
12. Palamides, had three 52 663- 611 sons, Deyphebus, joint (61) (672- 611) Parriis and Brabon. Deyphebus went to Dacia, Parriis to some islands in the Pontus.
13. Brabon III, had two sons, 57 611- 554 Priam and Dyomedeus. The latter went to Africa and built there a mighty city.
14. Priamus IV 32 554- 522 joint (50) (572- 522)
15. Philymeus,had three 30 552- 522 sons, Priam, Archadius and Macedo. From Macedo came the Macedonii, Archadius migrated to Arcadia in Greece and became the first duke of that land. Julius Caesar is descended from him.
16. Priamus V 20 522- 502
17. Brabon IV 50 502- 452 joint with son (11) (452- 441)
18. Laomedon 24 452- 428
19. Pelius, had two 58 428- 370 sons, Troylus and joint (68) (441- 373) Hybertius. The latter sailed with his followers to Hybernia (Ireland).
20. Troylus II 39 370- 331 joint (42) (373- 331)
21. Priamus VI 7 332- 325
22. Francio III 9 325- 316
23. Brabon V 4 316- 312
24. Silvius Brabon III 21 312- 291
25. Brabon Troylus VI 33 291- 258
26. Brabon VII 22 258- 236
27. Brabon VIII 16 236- 220
28. Priamus VII 28 220- 192
29. Hector IV 31 192- 161
30. Brabon IX 4 161- 157
31. Priamus VIII 19 157- 138
32. Francio IV, had 14 20 138- 118 sons and 7 daughters. With him the account of the kings of Sycambria and Pannonia ceases, although the line continued to reign till the time of Gratian.
"Brabon junior," the youngest son of Francio IV. He entered the services of his relative the duke of Arcadia in Greece, and was rewarded for his distinguished service with a wife of noble birth. Ten years after the death of his father, his wife gave birth to a son who was named Brabon Silvius. At the same time Julius Caesar was born to the duke of Arcadia. "Brabon Silvius" accompanied Julius Caesar in the Roman conquest of Gaul. Julius Caesar conquered the kingdom of Agrippina (Cologne), killed the king, and sent the king's sister Silvana to his father the duke of Arcadia. At that time there stayed with the duke of Arcadia a man named "Karolus." His father, also called Karolus, was a powerful figure and leader of a military division at Nijmegen. He was born of the old Trojan line, being the son of a certain Pharamunt who had 14 sons. This must be none other than Francio IV (138-118). "Karolus," the son of Karolus, received a bad reputation because of his licentious life. So his father sent him away from home to the duke of Arcadia. Here, according to the Chronicle, he married the duke's daughter "Zwana," who, upon their return to the Low Countries, gave birth to a son called "Octavianus". This Octavianus later became Roman Emperor Augustus. Karolus junior also had two daughters, Octaviana and Zwana. Zwana was given by her uncle Julius Caesar in marriage to Brabon Silvius. After the death of Karolus, Julius Caesar adopted Octavianus. The kingdom of Agrippina he gave to Brabon Silvius.
11. Angisus, during whose reign, in 378 A.D., Gratian drove the Sycambri from Pannonia. They came to the lower Rhine under their leader Priamus. Angisus fought Gratian, but lost 30,000 men and was captured. He spent seven years as a captive of the Romans, being finally liberated by Theodosius upon the latter's accession to the throne. Maximus, a rival emperor, devastated parts of northern Gaul, and then gave these to Brabon, the six-year- old eldest son of Angisus. This Brabon thus became the first prince of Brabant, and his position was subsequently recognized by Emperor Theodosius. Angisus had another son, Karolus, who succeeded him in the kingdom.
12. Karolus IX was succeeded by two other kings who are not named. The last was driven out by Franks, who took over the kingdom of Agrippina and made it part of the Frankish realm.
Ruler Length of Reign Dates
1. Brabon I, was made 32 424- 456 prince of Brabant in the seventh year of his life. He reigned for 32 years after the death of his father. In his days Clodius, king of the Franks, destroyed the kingdoms of Agrippina and Thuringia, and annexed Brabant. Brabon and his descendants became loyal servants of the Frankish kings. (456- 459)
2. Brabon II 60 459- 519
3. Brabon III 51 519- 570
4. Karolomannus, the last 45 570- 615 prince. After his death Brabant became a dukedom.
Ruler Length of Reign Dates
1. Pippinus of Landen, (35) (612- 647) ruled three years jointly or 32 615- 647 with his father, becomes mayor of the palace to the Frankish king.
2. Grimoaldus, son of Pepin. 13 647- 660
3. Angisus, husband of 25 660- 685 Begga, daughter of Pepin. This Angisus was son of Arnulph, Bishop of Metz, who was the son of Arnold, the son of Anselbert. Anselbert was married to Blitilda, daughter of Lothair I (Clothair), king of Austrasia and Neustria.
4. Pippinus II, of Heristal. 29 685- 714 (714- 715)
5. Karolus Mertellus 26 715- 741
6. Karolomanus, renounced 6 741- 747 his dukedom, entered a monastery in 6th year of reign.
7. Pippinus III "the 21 747- 768 Short," son of joint (27) (741- 768) Karolus Mertellus. By the time Pippinus III came to power, his inheritance included not only Brabant, but also Austrasia, Thuringia, Burgundy, Neustria and Provence. In 752 he was elected King of the Franks, and reigned till his death in 768.
8. Karolomannus, son of 3 768- 771 Pippinus, ruled jointly with his brother Karolus Magnus.
9. Karolus Magnus, 43 771- 814 assumed sole rule joint (46) (768- 814) after his brother's death, became Roman Emperor in 800.
In 321 B.C. a line of princes migrated via India to the area of northern Holland and northwestern Germany under their leader Friso. Friso descended from Ragan or Reu (Gen. 11:19) according to "La Grande Chronique ... de Hollande, Zelande" etc., p. 28. Friso was an adventurer in the service of Alexander the Great. After being released from service, he came with a group of settlers from the river Indus to Europe. There he gained power (313) over the local counts by means of intrigue. A descendant, Friso, became king in 287, commencing a secondary line of rulers.
Name of King Length of Reign Dates
Friso I 68 313- 245
Adel I (94) 245- 151
Ubbo (80) 151- 71
Asinga Ascon or "Black Adel" (81) B.C. 71- 11 A D.
Diocarus Segon, joint during (35) A.D. 11- 46 imprisonment of his cousin by Duke of Brabant.
Dibbaldus Segon (39) 46- 85
Tabbo (45) 85- 130
Ruler Length of Reign Dates
1. Asconius 43 130- 173
2. Adelboldus 14 173- 187
3. Titus Boiocalus 53 187- 240
4. Ubbo 59 240- 299
5. Haron Ubbo 36 299- 335
6. Odilbaldus 25 335- 360
7. Udolphus Haron 32 360- 392
After this Frisia again becomes a kingdom.
Name of King Length of Reign Dates
1. Richardus Uffo 43 392- 435
2. Odilbaldus 35 435- 470
3. Richoldus 63 470- 533
4. Beroaldus 57 533- 590
5. Adgillus I 82 590- 672
6. Radbodus I 51 672- 723
7. Adgillus II 14 723- 737
8. Gondobaldus 12 737- 749
9. Radbodus II 26 749- 775
Frisia, which had already been conquered by the Franks, was made an integral part of the Frankish realm in 775 by Charlemagne. From that time on it was ruled by dukes appointed by the Franks. King lists are derived from "Hamconius" and "Oera Linda Boek."
While the descendants of Hector fled Troy and migrated to France, Bavo led another group into Western Europe. This is the little known story of the royal family that governed the Celts and the Belgians on the Continent. Archaeologists have found a vast cultural complex on the Rhine River and its tributaries. The almost unknown account of this area is preserved to us by Jacques de Guyse in his "Histore de Hainaut," a French translation of his original Latin work of the thirteenth century. (Hainaut is an ancient division of Belgium.) Archaeologists, of course, admit that the Belgian people came from the steppes of Eastern Europe. But just who the people of Belgium, Holland, Frisia, Luxembourg and Northern France are, archaeology has no answer. Yet we do not have to remain in ignorance. History has the answer — if scholars only had the wit to see. But as with so many records, historians have rejected what they do not want to believe. They have carefully hidden the Jewish-Trojan origin of the royal houses of Western Europe. The Belgian line commences with Bavo, the son of a sister of Laomedon, king of Troy. Bavo was therefore a cousin of King Priam. Following the fall of Troy a migration into Europe occurred along the Danube. It reached the Rhine by 1179. Bavo, reported Jacques de Guyse, "encountered with pleasure the descendants of the Assyrians who have followed Trebeta, and who had been compatriots of the Trojans and served the same deities" ("Table Generale de l'Histoire de Hainaut," II, page 388). Here, in outline form, is Jacques de Guyse's account of the Belgian rulers after the fall of Troy in 1181. Only the most important details are included from the copious annals of Hainaut.
Priest-kings of the Length of Reign Dates Belgians
Bavo 13 1179-1166
Bavo the Belgian (Belginius) 44 1166-1122
Bavo the Lion (Leonius) 20 1122-1102
Bavo the Wolf (Lupinus) 50 1102-1052
Bavo Brunus 35 1052-1017
Brunehuldis 67 1017- 950
Bruno 36 950- 914
Aganippus I 29 914- 885
Aganippus II, husband of 50 885- 835 the British Queen Cordelia.
Audengerius 39 835- 796
Herisbrandus 20 796- 776
With Herisbrand ended the rule of the priest-kings over the Belgians. Political upheaval forced a change in form of government and brought a strong-willed, able warrior to the royal estate. In 776 — the year of the first Olympiad in Greece — Ursus, whose name means "bearlike," obtained the throne and organized much of continental Western Europe under his power. The Annals of Hainaut give the following account of the kings of Belgium from 776-470.
King Length of Reign Dates
Ursus 34 776- 742
Ursa, daughter of Ursus 1 and a half 742- 741
Gurguncius (Gurgust in 28 741- 713 British history).
Sisillius (was made ruler 10 713- 703 over the Belgians while his father governed the Britons).
Friscembaldus I 31 703- 672
Friscembaldus II 32 672- 640
Waringerus 15 640- 625
Leonius 10 625- 615
Leopardus I 5 615- 610
Leopardus II 30 610- 580
Leopardinus 32 580- 548
A political struggle for two years left the Belgians without a king.
Camber 20 546- 526
Melbrandus 15 526- 511
Blanduinus 6 511- 505
Suardus 15 505- 490
Leo 7 490- 483
Walacrinus 13 483- 470
There followed a number of dukes, annually elected, none of whose names have come down in history. The last, Missenus, whose son came to the throne in 386, is the only one whose name has been preserved. The actual duration of power of the dukes over the provinces of Belgium is traditionally given as 104 years — evidently from 490 to 386. It therefore appears that they came into prominence with the death of Suardus. The new line of kings which existed until the Roman victory in 52 is as follows:
King Length of Reign Dates
Leo I 60 386- 326
Leo II 56 326- 270
Leo III 76 270- 194
Leo IV 96 194- 98
Leo V 20 98- 78
Goomerus 8 78- 70
Taynardus 14 70- 56
Usarius, slain by the Romans 4 56- 52 in Caesar's campaign of 52.
Andromadas 6 months 52
Rome crushed all Gaul and Belgium in 52.
During the period that the priest-kings of the line of Bavo ruled over the Belglans, the Celts in Europe were being governed by another line. This line of kings sprang from Francus, scion of the House of Troy, and last king of the Britons before the coming of Brutus. Francus, according to the historian Freculphe (see Vol. 19 of "Histoire de Hainaut," sec. cclxvii), began a line of kings that ultimately ruled in Gaul. He originally turned over the government of Britain to the Druids (until the time of Brutus). He supported the Trojans against the Greeks. After the Greek victory, he continued to govern the remnants of the Celts along the lower reaches of the Danube basin. An outline of these little-known kings of the Celts is given below.
Kings of the Celts Length of Reign
Francus, his reign in 47 1216-1169 British records extends over another 20 years of Druidic rule before the coming of Brutus in 1149.
Sicamber 51 1169-1118
Priam II 23 1118-1095
Hector. Hector had three 28 1095-1067 sons: Brabon, Polidamus and Troilus. The last- named succeeded him.
Troilus 22 1067-1045
Trogotus. Trogotus led (76) (1045- 969) a migration near the beginning of his reign from Pannonia and Hungary into Gaul. Observe how this record accords with the known migrations about 1040 to Denmark and Scotland and Sweden. (The length of reign of Trogotus is missing, but may with great probability be reconstructed as above. The possible proof will be noted later.)
Tongres 34 969- 935
Teuto 32 935- 903
Agrippa 28 903- 875
Ambrio 33 875- 842
Thuringus 34 842- 808
Camber 32 808- 776
The length of reign of Trogotus given above is indicated by the following. The only known Agrippa in the history of Western Europe at this period of history is the Trojan king of Alba in Italy. Not uncommonly have the kings of Italy and Alba ruled Celtica in Gaul. Jasius did in 1601-1551. A later Silvius came to the British throne (see Vol. I of "Compendium" on British history). This Agrippa could hardly be other than the Agrippa of Italy. Though sometimes assigned 41 years, Eusebius assigns him 40 years in Alba — 915-875. If Eusebius' figure is used, the 28-year reign of Agrippa over the Celts may be dated 903-875. Then the reign of Camber would be 808-776. It makes sense. Camber reigned until the very year (776) that Ursus began his rule in Belgium. When Ursus came to power he demanded allegiance of both Celts and Germans. From this restoration it becomes clear that whoever controlled the ancient city Trier (which was then part of Belgium) was in a favorable position to dominate over the Celts of Gaul. A similar situation occurred over 1500 years later when Charlemagne ruled all Western Europe from Aachen, a city near Trier.