Compendium of World History - Volume 2
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Compendium of World History - Volume 2

Chapter I:


   The first volume of the COMPENDIUM OF WORLD HISTORY exposed the radical new interpretation of history now taught on all levels of modern education. It revealed the fallacy of the "historical method." It explained WHY God is left out of history.
   Volume I restored the history of ancient Egypt, of Assyria and Babylonia, of Media and India, of Greece, Ireland and Britain. This volume completes that restoration. For the first time, in this second volume, the early history of Europe will be made plain. Its connection with the New World, with American Indian civilization, with the early Biblical heroes is an astounding revelation.



   The time has come to reveal the true history of Europe.
   The Germans for centuries have dominated the heartland of Western Europe. Because of the geographic position Germany's transportation lines constitute the vital arteries of the continent. Without the beating of the German heart, Europe would lose its economic and political prominence in world affairs.
   Ancient Roman writers would have us believe that the Germans in the Roman heyday were mere barbarians, an insignificant people roaming the forests of northern Europe. Was this Roman report the whole truth? Were the ancient Roman writers keeping back from their people the facts of German history?
   Rome conquered Spain, Gaul, Southern Britain, all North Africa to the Sahara, Illyria, Greece, Asia to the Euphrates. But Rome had to draw its boundary in the north along the Rhine. Why? Why was Rome not able to subdue all Germany? Why, after centuries of bloodshed, did Rome finally succumb to the hammer blows of the Germanic Goths and Vandals? It is high time we were told the true history of early Germany.
   The origin of the German people in Europe is rooted in patriarchal times. The history of early Germany, suppressed by the Romans, was revived briefly in the German-dominated Middle Ages. But before the close of the seventeenth century not even the Germans remembered their past. It had been stamped out in the name of education and religion.
   But not all was lost. From early documents and local traditions it is still possible to recover what has, in recent centuries, been buried under the rubble of modern educational superstition. The Germans themselves are in great part responsible for this condition. They fostered modern historical concepts. They have tried to hide their past even from themselves — just as they did at the close of the Hitler era. If the Germans admitted to themselves and the world who they really are, all the world would recognize in Imperial Germany the reconstituted Assyrian Empire — once the terror of all the civilized world!


   Germany has set herself up as the bulwark of European civilization. Germany for centuries has claimed to stand as the wall of defense against the barbarism of Asia.
   The German Reich long endured as the oldest political institution in Continental Europe. The German people called their Reich the Holy Roman Empire. It bore rule over Europe for a thousand years. This "Holy Roman Empire of the German People" was officially designated by the Church in the Middle Ages as "The Kingdom of God" on earth. Its citizens, the Germans, felt themselves true Romans and bearers of the Christian Reich or kingdom. They were therefore the chosen people of the Christian era, entrusted with a world-mission to be the protectors of Christianity.
   German leaders and philosophers have never forgotten this notion of the Middle Ages that the German, in place of the Jew, has a special mission from God.
   This strange concept, which lies behind modern political thinking in Germany, is plainly stated in the German work "Die Trag"die des Heiligen Reiches" — in English, "The Tragedy of the Holy Roman Empire." It is by Friedrich Heer. It is a remarkable volume. It lays bare the reason for the secret motives of the German to dominate Europe — and the world.


   The story of the ancestry of the German people, and their role in prophecy, is one of the strangest stories ever written. It is gripping with interest, amazing — yes, astounding!
   "The History of Germany," writes Bayard Taylor, "is not the history of a nation, but of a race ... Thus, even before the fall of the Roman Empire, it becomes the main trunk out of which branch histories of nearly all European nations, and ... the connecting link between ancient and modern history. The records of no other race throw so much light upon the development of all civilized lands during a period of fifteen hundred years" ("History of Germany", page iii).
   Germany has contributed more military leaders than any other nation in history. Its governments have, in the past, claimed the right to rule the "Christian world." The German State, from its beginning, has nearly always been a confederation of states — often an empire of German ruling over non-German. It is the German people who, more than once, have believed themselves to be the "Herrenvolk" — the Master Race.
   The German people number over one hundred million throughout the world today. They are composed of numerous small tribes. Nations, remember, are families grown big. Take Israel as an example. The nation Israel descended from one man, Jacob (who was renamed Israel upon his conversion — Genesis 35:9-10). But Israel had 12 sons. His family therefore was divided into 12 tribes. One reads in the Bible about "the 12 tribes of Israel" — Judah, Dan, Ephraim, Levi, etc. (Genesis 49:28).
   The same is true of the German people. of all these tribes, perhaps the most famous name to Americans is that of the Hessians. The British hired numerous Hessians in their effort to put down the American Revolution which began in 1776. The Hessians were known to Roman historians by the tribal name "Hatti." Other Germans bore the names "Alemani" "Suabi," and "Quadi," the "Casuri." The Romans called them collectively Germani, meaning "War-men" (from the "Encyclopedia Britannica", article, "Germany").
   But from where did all these Germanic people come?
   Here is the answer of history: "There can be no doubt that they Black and Caspian seas," states "Smith's Classical Dictionary", article, "Germania," p. 361. Ancient historical records confirm this admission.
   The Germans can be traced in historical records to the regions surrounding the Black and Caspian seas, which border on the ancient Biblical Mesopotamia. This is the region where civilization commenced and from where the patriarchs came!


   Ancient German tradition claims that their oldest city, Trier, was founded by Trever or Trebeta, a son of Ninus, king of Assyria.
   "The inhabitants of Trier maintain that their city is the oldest in all Europe," writes Josef K. L. Bihl in his textbook "In deutschen Landen", page 69. "Trier was founded," he continues, "by Trebeta, a son of the famous Assyrian King Ninus. In fact, one finds ... in Trier the inscription reading, 'Trier existed for 1300 years before Rome was rebuilt.' "
   Ninus, according to Roman, Greek and Persian records, was the first ruler who began the systematic conquest of the ancient world after the death of Nimrod. He established the Assyrian Empire as the chief power over Eastern Europe and Southwest Asia, reported Diodorus of Sicily in his History.
   But how is it possible that the oldest German city, Trier, founded over 2000 years before the birth of Christ, should be built by a son of Ninus, the renowned King of ancient Assyria? What connection have the Germans with Assyria?
   Jerome, who lived at the time when the Indo-Germanic tribes were invading Europe, provides this startling answer: "For 'Assur (the Assyrian) also is joined with them' " (Letter 123, sec. 16, "Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers"; quote is from Psalm 83:8).


   Yes! Jerome said so! But how did he know?
   He saw them! He was an eyewitness to their migrations from Mesopotamia and the shores of the Black and Caspian seas!
   Now consider what Sylax, the author of the "Periplus," who lived about 550 B.C., writes of the southern shores of the Black Sea: "The coast of the Black Sea ... is called Assyria" (from page 261 of Perrot and Chipiez's "History of Art in Sardinia, Judaea, Syria and Asia Minor", Vol. II.) From there the Assyrians moved north.
   Only 300 years before Jerome, the Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder declared the "Assyriani" — the Assyrians — were dwelling north of the Black Sea ("Natural History", IV, 12, page 183). But the Assyrians did not remain there. They are not there today. of course not — they migrated into Central Europe — where the Germans live today!


   What did the ancient Assyrians look like? Here is the answer: "In the Zagros hills and across the plain to the Tigris, there lived a ... fair-haired ... people akin to the Guti (the Goths) who ... remained in what was afterwards Assyria, the neighbour land to Akkad" (page 5 of "The Sumerians", by C. Leonard Woolley).
   When the ancient Greek writers wanted to distinguish the Assyrians and their Hebrew captives from the Arameans or Syrians, the Greeks often called both Assyrians and their Hebrew captives "Leucosyri" — meaning "whites" or "blonds" as distinct from the very brunette Syrians who still live in Mesopotamia.


   The Germans do not call themselves "German." They refer to themselves as Deutschen, and to their country as Deutschland.
   When the Assyrians or Germans appeared in Europe, they claimed Tuitsch as their ancestor! That is where the name "Deutsch" comes from!
   "Tuysco, the most ancient and peculiar god of all the Germans ... of this Tuisco, the first and chiefest man of many among the Germans, and after whom they do call themselves Tuytshen, that is, duytshes or duytsh people, I have already spoken." So writes Verstegan in his 1605 publication entitled "Restitution of Decayed Intelligence: in Antiquities".
   Whenever a German calls himself Deutsch, he is therefore saying he is a descendant of Tuitsch (Tuisco or Tuisto in Latin). And when he terms his country Deutschland, he is saying his land is Tuitsch's land. Who this Tuitsch is will be made plain in Chapter II.


   European scholars have thoroughly studied the language of the land of Hatti — the ancestors of the Hessians. It is an Indo-Germanic tongue — numerous words of which were akin to Old High German. So many similarities were found that Edgar Sturtevant had to declare: "To me it seems incredible that so remarkable a situation developed in two languages independently. I feel compelled to trace the Germanic ... to a common origin" with the language of Hatti — common tongue of the Assyrians in Asia Minor (from "A Comparative Grammar", page 240).
   Scholars admit that for centuries the language of the people who inhabited Assyria was not merely Semitic. Semitic was the late literary language of Assyria — the language of scholars, the language of international commerce. Modern historians and archaeologists assume that the common tongue of all Assyrian people was Semitic. They have no proof. So noted an Assyriologist as Sydney Smith admitted "... that the documents from Asia Minor and from east of Tigris are couched in Semitic dialects spoken by men unable to pronounce all the Semitic consonants ..." (p. xi, from "Early History of Assyria to 1000 B.C.").
   The same circumstance occurred during the Middle Ages all over Europe. The language of almost all European scholars — and even their names — until the time of the Protestant Reformation was Latin — but Latin was not the common tongue of the people! Because most of the literature of Germany was in Latin during the Middle Ages does not prove that the common people spoke Latin.


   Asshur was a son of Shem. But after the tower of Babel, when the languages of the world were confused (Genesis 11), most Assyrians no longer spoke a Semitic tongue, but rather Indo-Germanic and related tongues! The Germans, therefore, are Semitic by race, but not by language!
   In the days of Abraham, the Germans or Assyrians formed a great confederation of states or tribes, speaking several different languages (Josephus' "Antiquities of the Jews", book I, ch. 9). One king of the Assyrians — already discussed — was "Tidal, king of nations" (Genesis 14:1). The name Tidal is Indo-Germanic, not Semitic.
   Most scholars have never been conscious of the fact that the use of the Semitic language in Assyria was due to the rising influence of the Aramaic people (Genesis 10:22) in Mesopotamia and certain of the sons of Abraham ("Antiquities", book I, ch. XV, sect. 1). So prominent did they become that Mesopotamia is called "Padan-Aram" — the plain of Aram — in the Bible (Genesis 28:22).

     Chapter I      Next
Publication Date: 1969
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