Bible Study    -    58 Lesson Course
Lesson 5 - What Is the Way Out of Personal Debt?
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Lesson 5 - What Is the Way Out of Personal Debt?

58 Lesson:
Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course

| 1977 5048/7908 | 1971 100M173 | 1969 25M469 | 1965 1065 | 1961 1061 |
| 1955 1062 | 1955 |

THINK OF IT! One thousand years of world peace and prosperity! That is the coming utopia - the wonderful world tomorrow in which no one will have financial worries. But why do so many find themselves facing serious financial problems today? Why are so many people plagued by the constant worry of trying to "make ends meet"? There are definite CAUSES for all financial problems - and there are solutions. Let's understand!

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Note: Bible Study 58 - Lesson 5 - Test are supplied at the end of the 8th Lesson for Lesson 5 - 1969 Revision 25M469

Publication Date: 1969 25M469
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