The World Tomorrow Radio Broadcast

Listen to Outline of Prophecy 18 - False Prophets and War Outline of Prophecy 18 - False Prophets and War
Herbert W Armstrong

Well greetings friends, this is Herbert W Armstrong with the good news of the World Tomorrow. Let's get back now to the outline of prophecy. What's going to happen? Prophecy shows that another power — least suspected by the world now — will suddenly skyrocket into gigantic world power. A swift-m ...View Transcript

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Listen to Outline of Prophecy 19 - We Had Better Wake Up! Outline of Prophecy 19 - We Had Better Wake Up!
Herbert W Armstrong

My friends, about one-third of all of your Bible is prophecy. The prophecies foretell the future of this world and the major world events, the things that are to come. It foretells the condition, the chaotic condition in this world today. You can't understand world news. You can't understand wha ...View Transcript

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Listen to Outline of Prophecy 20 - The End of the World? Outline of Prophecy 20 - The End of the World?
Herbert W Armstrong

Just how near are we to the end of the world, or is there any such thing as a possible 'end of the world'? How soon, and where, will Armageddon be fought? Or is this Armageddon just a myth, or a superstition? When is the Great Tribulation coming? Where? On whom? And which is coming first; World ...View Transcript

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Listen to Pagan Practices Creep Into Church Pagan Practices Creep Into Church
Herbert W Armstrong

Why is it, my friends, that most of us today have been born into a world that believes, and we've grown up believing, doctrines diametrically contrary to those of the Bible? Diametrically contrary, believe it or not, to that which Jesus Christ preached. And that we are practicing customs, and obse ...View Transcript

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Listen to Pagan Traditions and Christ's Parables Pagan Traditions and Christ's Parables
Herbert W Armstrong - June 08, 1979

People still believe that just like Adam did. They wouldn't believe God. But we are mortal and we are dust and while we have a mind that far exceeds and excels anything that we find in the brain, for instance, of any other animal life on the face of the earth, such as dogs or monkeys or cats or el ...View Transcript

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Listen to Panorama of the Bible - Part 1 Panorama of the Bible - Part 1
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1964

The biggest quest of man today is just how to find a way to stay alive. You're living in the most momentous era of all human history. When the biggest question of all mankind today is how to survive, how to keep on living. So, we can find some solutions to the burgeoning problems of this paradoxic ...View Transcript

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Listen to Panorama of the Bible - Part 2 Panorama of the Bible - Part 2
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1964

What is a church? What is it for? What is a Christian? Now, you may feel you know the answers, but you know, a composite of over 1000 typical American Protestant families were questioned to their religious attitudes in a complete four-year nationwide survey initiated by a major denomination in the U ...View Transcript

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Listen to Panorama of the Bible - Part 3 Panorama of the Bible - Part 3
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1964

In this space age, this age of science and technology of the fantastic advances in inventiveness and scientific achievement. Why is it even in the Western world? So many people still believe in fantasy in vague traditions in guesswork in mysteries in ancient hand-me-downs from yesteryear. Yes. In th ...View Transcript

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Listen to Panorama of the Bible - Part 4 Panorama of the Bible - Part 4
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1964

But today's news is not good. But bad, what do you hear on most news broadcasts today? Whether you realize it or not, my friends, you are hearing the fulfillment of Bible prophecy as shocking as that might sound. You need to turn to that 24th chapter of the book of Matthew in your own Bible and fi ...View Transcript

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Listen to Panorama of the Bible - Part 5 Panorama of the Bible - Part 5
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1964

But look at the world of today. It's a world fraught with tension, fear, worry, hatred, violence, sickness, suffering, and death. A world of the threat of war. A world of tremendous contrast, a world of contradiction, a world that is almost, it seems, impossible to understand. And today, while mos ...View Transcript

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Listen to Playing God Playing God
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1974

Too many people in the world today want to play at being God. Why is there such a desire in human nature, in human minds and hearts, to live other people's lives for them? Have you ever wondered about the manipulation of power? Have you ever studied into geopolitics? And what makes nations go arou ...View Transcript

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Listen to Prayer Prayer
Herbert W Armstrong - May 14, 1979

Is there anything to prayer? Did you ever stop to think about that? Is it just a superstition? Is prayer just something to, well let's just say in plain language, just sort of kid people along and give them a sort of self-hypnosis to think that they have benefited in some way but no one is there l ...View Transcript

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Listen to Predestination - Does The Bible Teach It? Predestination - Does The Bible Teach It?
Herbert W Armstrong

Do you know that actually millions who say that they believe in Christ, who have as they claim and as they believe, received Christ or made their decision for Christ have no salvation at all? Because very few even know what is actually meant by that word, 'salvation.' Millions have been deceived ...View Transcript

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Listen to Prophecies For The End Time Prophecies For The End Time
Herbert W Armstrong

You need to know what's going on in the world now, and that in turn leads to the biggest thing you do need to know. What is the purpose that is being worked out here below? What is it all about? What is the Bible all about? What is religion all about? What is salvation all about? Does it have any ...View Transcript

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Listen to Prophecies For Today Prophecies For Today
Herbert W Armstrong

What's happening today and what does it mean? God Almighty has revealed the future. He knows the end from the beginning. He has revealed it in the Bible. We need to be concerned, because the future - the future of this nation, as well as the future of this world is all foretold in your Bible. Why ...View Transcript

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