Know The Answer?
What kind of horses pulled the chariot of fire that separated Elijah and Elisha?
Horses of fire.

II Kings 2:11
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Here is the biblical teaching - and commands of God - on military service, killing and WAR. SHOULD A MEMBER OF THE CHURCH OF GOD FIGHT, bear arms, kill in war, or enter military service? It is the duty of the CHURCH OF GOD, in ministering to its members, to instruct IN THE WORD OF GOD - to teach God's commands and instructions. God does not allow the individual to decide what is right, and what is wrong. GOD determines, and reveals, WHAT is righteousness and WHAT is SIN. But God compels the individual to decide WHETHER to obey or to disobey, which is to sin. Decision YOUR Responsibility. God made man a free moral agent. He allows man to disobey His teachings and His commands, but of course GOD'S laws carry stern PENALTIES, and they are automatically enforced!

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Publication Date: 1985
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