Now, I would like you to consider how could anyone come to know these truths? Which are the truth about who and what is God? What and why is mankind? Why will we ever put on the earth? What is the purpose? What is a man? What was the gospel? What is salvation? All of these things. Now, Adam and Eve ...
The question is, do you believe God? Not just believing He exists. A lot of people say, 'Oh, I believe in God.' All right. Well, you mean you believe there is such a person, don't you? Yes, of course. But do you believe God? No, they don't. That's a horse of another color altogether, isn+* ...
Now, isn't it ironic that of all the religions in the world, including the Christian religion, except for one church that Jesus Christ called the Little Flock? And with the original church that was founded by him in 31 A.D., not one knows who or what God is. Not one. They simply do not know. How I ...
Why Inflation? Herbert W Armstrong - February 20, 1979 - 8W-35
Now, what about you? How do you come to believe? What you believe? People have their ideas, their conceptions, and they'll stand up and fight for it. They bristle up if anyone disagrees with them. But how did they come to believe that? How do they know that what they believe is true? Do you ever s ...
We can send men to the moon and back. We can invent the most intricate machines; man can almost perform miracles. He's made rivers run backward. And still, we can't solve our problems. We have not learned how to live with one another.
I wonder if you realize that the most difficult and the most important, by far, of anything that God can create or ever has, is holy righteous character. And I wonder if you realize that is something that even God himself cannot create. That's something that God instantaneously, by himself, simply ...
There is a song that many people sing. Whosoever will may come. Have you ever seen that in the Bible? Well, it's there, but it's over. It's just four verses from the last verse in the whole Bible in the 22nd chapter of the Book of Revelation (Revelation 22:17). And it is a time after the mille ...
You want to know what is the most common misconception. You could almost say a sin, but I'll say error and a belief, believe by every church that I know of that is a Christian church, except this one. That is that everybody is lost unless they get saved. That is that there's a great controversy ...
For the first time since humanity has been on this earth, we are facing the problem of survival. Whether humanity can survive on this earth. You're living in a world of wars, you're living in a world where governments are being overthrown continually. We've been able to solve the forces and th ...
Now, there is a reason and a cause for all of the troubles that we've had in this world. For all of the evils, all of the heartaches, all of the suffering, the violence, the murder, the crime, the lawlessness, the rebellion, the wrong attitudes, the unhappiness. And if I were to try to sum up one ...
And I tell you, the people in this country wouldn't want to live in a world where a communist was ruling the whole world. And the people in communist countries wouldn't want to live in a world where one of our people was at the helm, ruling it. In the hands of man it's impossible. But with God ...
Why should a condition of utopia with perfect government, a perfect society, perfect conditions, perfect living conditions? Why should that be impossible? Where everybody loves everybody else, where everybody wants to cooperate with and help everybody else, and everybody else trying to help you. We+ ...
Well greetings everybody; you're living in a world that is just filled with religious confusion. I wonder if you ever stop to think about how many religions we have. In other parts of the world we don't think of much here in the United States, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shintoism, Hinduism, ...
It's incredible that all of these religions, now listen, because this is one of the most incredible things you've ever heard come out of the mouth of a human being, no man ever talked like this. All of the religions in this world, what is religion? It is the relation of Man to his God or Creator ...
Why were humans put here on the earth, how did we come to be here? We're not on Mars, there isn't anybody on Mars. We've had men on the moon, but they didn't stay there very long because when the oxygen they took with them wore out, they would die if they hadn't gotten back to the earth. T ...