THIS present era of violence and potential WORLD SUICIDE is helping STIMULATE worldwide interest in religion. Multitudes are thinking more and more about MAKING PEACE WITH GOD. But are they really making peace with God, being truly converted - changed, and coming under His divine protection in the m ...
Do YOU know that God has a "sign" by which He RECOGNIZES His spiritual children? And do you know that only those having this SIGN will be born into His ruling Family? That vital, OVERWHELMINGLY IMPORTANT "sign" is God's SABBATH DAY! Yes - GOD'S Sabbath! Not a "Sabbath of ...
PERILOUS TIMES ARE JUST AHEAD! The worldwide DANGER signals are up - just as Christ SAID they would be! Your Bible prophesies that unparalleled VIOLENCE from fierce, SATANIC MEN - men having an OUTWARD form of godliness - is just ahead! These men will soon DIABOLICALLY enforce the observance of SUNd ...
Do YOU realize the "Mark of the Beast" is about to be ENFORCED as it was during the Middle Ages? You must be sure this brand is NOT upon YOU - lest you SUFFER the consequences! Yet millions of professing Christians today have unwittingly allowed themselves to be branded with this mark. WHY ...
WHAT THE "BEAST" once did, it is to do again!! Prophecy warns that the satanically inspired "Mark of the Beast" is soon to be enforced once again by a REVIVAL of a church-dominated "Holy Roman Empire." Only this time the modern "Holy Roman Empire" will masquer ...