"Repent, and be baptized... and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit!" (Acts 2:38). Be baptized! Does this Scripture apply today? Is WATER BAPTISM still ESSENTIAL FOR OUR receiving the SAVING power of the Holy Spirit? Or is baptism just a form of initiation into some church? Why do ...
JUST HOW did Sunday - the day of the SUN - originate? Did God create this day to be holy - as so many CARELESSLY ASSUME? Exactly WHY has a day in honor of the sun been set aside for rest and worship? WHO IS responsible for its origin? And what is the DIABOLICAL MOTIVE behind the institution of the m ...
DAYS OF UNLEAVENED BREAD - YOUR PART IN GOD'S MASTER PLAN. You have probably heard the saying: "Jesus Christ led a PERFECT LIFE in YOUR STEAD - there is NOTHING AT ALL for you to do but BELIEVE!" Most ministers say: "God's law was nailed to the cross. It is unnecessary to keep the Ten Commandmen ...
Day of Atonement - AT-ONE-MENT WITH GOD! You have no doubt heard the claim that there is a "great controversy" between God and Satan. That Christ and the Devil are in a running battle for men's souls. If this doctrine were true, then Satan indeed is WINNING! More souls are "unsaved& ...
Feast of Tabernacles - THE WORLD TOMORROW. IS GOD trying to save the whole world NOW? HAS God, for almost 6000 years, been competing with Satan? Has He been desperately trying to wrest the world from Satan's control? This is the common teaching today. It makes Satan appear to be winning! But what ...