THINK OF IT! One thousand years of world peace and prosperity! That is the coming utopia - the wonderful world tomorrow in which no one will have financial worries. But why do so many find themselves facing serious financial problems today? Why are so many people plagued by the constant worry of try ...
WHY GOD MUST INTERVENE, WORLD leaders and scientists are frankly frightened by the horrifying prospects of the future! They WARN us that man now possesses the means of committing COSMOCIDE - suicide of the whole human race. They even talk in terms of "OVERKILL!" These men know the U.S. and ...
CIVILIZATION is at the crossroads. Mankind already has the capacity to destroy all life from the face of the earth! Many world leaders now expect that nuclear destruction soon will erase human life from this planet unless something totally unforeseen occurs to STOP it! Scientists and statesmen also ...
"What, is man?" asked the psalmist David in Psalm 8:4. Is man an immortal soul in a material body? Is DEATH the SEPARATION OF BODY AND SOUL? What really happens to a man at death? And what about the atheist who believes that there is no HOPE OF LIFE AFTER DEATH? These questions have puzzle ...
ON BUSY street corners and especially in evangelistic campaigns, you hear ministers ask, "Brother, have you been 'born again'? Just believe, and give the preacher your hand and the Lord your heart, and you'll be a 'born again' child of God." But is that all there is to being &quo ...