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Brethren & Co-Worker Letters

August 12, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter August 12, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
Herbert W Armstrong

I have just arrived here in Gladewater, Texas, to inspect the new Tabernacle project and make final plans for construction of additional sanitary buildings in the camping area, altering the original tabernacle so as to convert it into a large dining hall, making decisions on wide sidewalks between t ...

August 05, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter August 05, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
Herbert W Armstrong

"The Eternal gave, and the Eternal has taken away; blessed be the name of the Eternal!" WHY does God allow some things which seem utterly contrary to anything we can understand? "My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the Eternal." He often does no ...

July 17, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter July 17, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
Herbert W Armstrong

A tragic accident has struck us. Last Wednesday afternoon I had to drop everything and race to San Luis Obispo, half way between Los Angeles and San Francisco. My elder son, Richard David Armstrong (Dick), and another of God's ordained elders, up here on a baptizing tour, were in a terrible head-o ...

July 11, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter July 11, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
Herbert W Armstrong

HERE OUGHT TO BE CAUSE FOR SHOUTING ALOUD FOR JOY!! I have just been reading, in Ezra, the account of the laying of the foundation for the new Temple of the Eternal at Jerusalem. This was 70 years after the original great Temple of Solomon had been destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar's army in the captivi ...

July 08, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter July 08, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
Herbert W Armstrong

This is a last reminder to be sure to attend the all- important meetings of GARNER TED ARMSTRONG—my son and co-pastor on "The WORLD TOMORROW" program—starting NEXT SUNDAY NIGHT. Letters in response to the T.V. and RADIO programs in Springfield, and the large newspaper announcements, indica ...

June 20, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter June 20, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
Herbert W Armstrong

Again, GREETINGS, in Jesus' name! Here is BIG NEWS for all members of God's true Church! The construction engineers are now on the building site, and the actual work on the huge new Tabernacle is under way! The contract for the building of the big new Tabernacle near Gladewater, Texas, has been ...

May 28, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter May 28, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
Herbert W Armstrong

Again GREETINGS!, in Jesus' name. Right on the heels of my letter of May 20, I have to send you another EMERGENCY letter. A very serious emergency has just come up in getting our new Tabernacle started. I have just had another long distance call from the builders in Columbus, Nebr. They do all the ...

May 23, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter May 23, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
Herbert W Armstrong

This is an EMERGENCY letter. It must be short, and quick to the point! Please put this ahead of everything you have to do! Right now God is blessing His work as never before, while many of you Co-Workers are slacking off in your part! Just look at these blessings! Since I last wrote you, the manager ...

May 20, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter May 20, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
Herbert W Armstrong

GREETINGS, in Jesus' name! After many delays, with trying suspense during periods when it appeared we could not go ahead with the Tabernacle this year, I have just received the final completed bid from the Behlen Manufacturing Co., who are to undertake the entire completed construction. We had hop ...

May 19, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter May 19, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
Herbert W Armstrong

Greetings, in Jesus' name! We're sending you this special letter to announce the plans for holding services on the Day of Pentecost. Pentecost this year will be observed on Monday, the 26th of May. Services will be held as usual at the local congregations, with any special arrangements being mad ...

April 07, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter April 07, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
Herbert W Armstrong

I have to tell you that the pressure is still on us. We are not out from the tight financial squeeze in the operation or God's great work. Probably we shall never be. God has not intended our mission to be an easy one. The work plunges on ahead. Jesus Christ is the Living Head of this most importa ...

March 20, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter March 20, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
Herbert W Armstrong

Some of you have responded nobly, generously, with a willing heart, and to the limit of your ability, to my last letter and plea that the Church of God come to life, and YET save the Tabernacle, so that it may proceed immediately and be ready for this fall. God will richly bless you. I am personally ...

March 19, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter March 19, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
Herbert W Armstrong

GREETINGS, in Jesus' name! This special letter contains important instructions about the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread that are drawing near. I will be at the tabernacle building near Gladewater, Texas, again this year, God willing, with Mrs. Armstrong for the entire eight days. We will pr ...

March 05, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter March 05, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
Herbert W Armstrong

It makes my heart heavy to have to write you this letter, but today we are faced with the decision of calling off the building of the new Tabernacle near Gladewater, Texas, for one more year. I have just had to call the Behlen Manufacturing Company, at Columbus, Nebraska, which is handling the entir ...

January 27, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter January 27, 1958 - Brethren & Co-Workers Letter
Herbert W Armstrong

Again GREETINGS, in Jesus' name! This is 1958! Time is growing shorter—FAST! We have comparatively little time left to complete the GREAT COMMISSION Christ has given HIS CHURCH to complete just before the END of this world! The HEAD of His Church and of GOD'S GREAT WORK, Jesus Christ, is moving ...


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