Special Topics (Reprint Articles)

Is America Losing... The Battle For Economic Survival? Is America Losing... The Battle For Economic Survival?
Ambassador College - 1970

Beset by crime, campus riots, strikes, inflation, recession, and the agony of nine years of Vietnam, most Americans are utterly unaware of a global battle now under way which they could be losing by default. Within and without, the awesome American economy is facing serious challenges. Internally, t ...

Is Drinking A Sin? Is Drinking A Sin?
Ambassador College Production - 1970

JESUS CHRIST set us an example that we should follow in His steps (I Peter 2:27). "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever" (Heb. 13:8). Jesus has not changed! He would still be living the same kind of life if He were to come in the flesh today as He did live 1900 years ...

Is God Real To You? Is God Real To You?
Ambassador College Production - 1974

I WONDER if you are like the person who said to me: "I believe in God, but it seems like God is so far off - so unreal!" Why is it that so many people feel this way? Why does God seem so remote from their day-to-day lives? The answer is bound up in two factors: the unreality of God to the ...

Is It Wrong to Have PICTURES of Christ? Is It Wrong to Have PICTURES of Christ?
Ernest L Martin - 1959

Here is an eye-opening article from one of our ministers in Great Britain. You will find it vitally interesting. RECENTLY a very popular book has been published in which a leading Protestant minister advocated concentrating upon a small picture of Christ while you are praying in order to give you th ...

Is Jesus Dead? Is Jesus Dead?
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1962

Is Christ REALLY ALIVE today? DID Jesus of Nazareth really walk out of His tomb? COULD it be possible? Today, vast percentages of professing "Christians" REJECT the resurrection and second coming of Christ! What about it? Can it be PROVED Christ is risen? IS IT INCREDIBLE that Christ was raised from ...

Is Jesus God? Is Jesus God?
Ambassador College Production - 1955-1974

Millions do not know what Christ really was! Shocking though it is, millions of sincere believers are deceived by a diabolical deception. Was Christ human, or divine? Read the truth about this vital subject that has puzzled millions. Is Jesus God? What is the real answer? Is Jesus God? Is He the sam ...

Is OBEDIENCE to God Required for Salvation? Is OBEDIENCE to God Required for Salvation?
Roderick C Meredith - 1956

Can a Christian DISOBEY God and still be saved? THIS IS a lawless age! Everywhere, it seems, the spirit of disobedience and rebellion is sweeping society. Even from the pulpits you hear preached that Jesus Christ abolished His Father's LAW - that it is not necessary to OBEY God any longer! ...

Is Physical Life the Result of Blind Chance? Is Physical Life the Result of Blind Chance?
Ambassador College Production - 1983

Here are clear, concise answers to the challenges of evolutionists. THE ORIGIN of life is the least understood biological problem. While acknowledging this fact, evolutionists go on to believe as an article of faith that life came into existence on this planet spontaneously from nonliving matter by ...

Is the Bible Infallible? Is the Bible Infallible?
Ambassador College Production - 1980

The Bible is the world's best seller. It is the most widely distributed and read book on this planet. But it is also the most misunderstood and most maligned book ever written. Why? Millions of people believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God; to them, the Scriptures are inerrant.... ...

Is the Old Testament Inspired? Is the Old Testament Inspired?
Ambassador College - 1980

Do you believe the Old Testament is inspired of God? Many Christians don't. They don't accept the Old Testament as completely accurate and reliable. If they happen to read it at all, they read it like an ordinary book, without really believing its teachings or wanting to abide by them. Jesus Chr ...

Is There a CONSPIRACY Against Fatherhood? Is There a CONSPIRACY Against Fatherhood?
Ambassador College Production - 1970

A cancer is eating at the vitals of decent society worldwide! Its objective is the fall of fatherhood, the collapse of the family. You need to be alerted - this insidious movement IS AFFECTING YOU! A CONSPIRACY has spread over all the globe. It operates in armies and in prisons. It has infiltrated t ...

Is There a HELL? Is There a HELL?
Radio Church of God - 1955

If hell does exist, where is it - and can those who are there ever get out? WILL THOSE in hell leave hell at the time of the resurrection - or are they confined eternally to hell, so that they shall be UNABLE to take part in the resurrection? What did Jesus mean when he said in John 5:28-29: "... th ...

Is There a Place of Safety? Is There a Place of Safety?
Worldwide Church of God - 1982

Is the Church going to flee to a place of safety from the coming Great Tribulation? Or will God just protect us wherever we are? What does the Bible say? This world is about to be plunged into a holocaust more terrible than the eyes of man have ever seen! This horrible period, the time when Satan' ...

Is This the ONLY Day of Salvation? Is This the ONLY Day of Salvation?
C Paul Meredith - 1958

Is there a "great controversy" between God and Satan - God doing His best to get everybody saved - Satan trying to keep them lost — with time now fast running out on God? WHAT ABOUT the millions of people living NOW in communist Russia and China where Christianity is suppressed? ...

Just What Do You Mean Christian? Just What Do You Mean Christian?
Roderick C Meredith - 1979

A tremendous Delusion is gripping the Christian World. You need to know the TRUTH! Today over four hundred different denominations and sects call themselves Christian. Yet they ALL disagree on certain doctrines and practices or they would not be divided! ...

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