Roger G Lippross  

While travelling around the country I have frequently taken the time to visit local public libraries and to my dismay I have found anti-church literature readily available, but only on rare occasions anything, in anyway, positive. Only once or twice I have found a well-worn copy of the "Autobiography."

Now we all have a great opportunity to help put the most important book since the Bible, in our local libraries. Generally a library will NOT approve a book just because it is free or someone gives it to them, nor will they buy every book advertised by mail. A library, especially local public libraries, serve the community by providing the kinds of materials their patrons are most interested in reading.

If one or more individuals within a community ask their local librarian to obtain a specific title, they will recognize a definite need and possibly will purchase copies. Consequently, I suggest that we check with our local libraries and ask for Mr. Armstrong's book, The Incredible Human Potential, published by Everest House.

Once it is there, others will read it too!

Roger Lippross

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Pastor General's ReportMay 29, 1979Vol 3 No. 20