Since the Feast of Tabernacles nearly 20,000 copies of Mr. Armstrong's new book, The Incredible Human Potential, have been requested by coworkers and members. Most members were able to obtain their copies at the Feast, but for those who were not, the book is available from Pasadena.
Co-worker response to an offer of one free book per household has been exceptional. In just two weeks, 27% of all our co-workers have requested the book!
New Record For "Co-Worker Newsletter" In the last Pastors' Report we mentioned how well response was coming in from donors and co-workers for article reprints which are offered with "The Co-Worker Newsletter." Final figures are now in for our latest article offers, and the "Biblical Prophecy" series has set a new record! Over 19% of the co-workers requested the article series. This is the most response 'from co-workers that a literature offer sent with the "Newsletter" has ever received. It shows that people are concerned about the future and the uncertainty of the world we live in. The literature published by God's Work can answer some of the perplexing issues facing them, and point them toward the REAL solutions which are provided by the Government of God!
The mail has been relatively steady throughout the month of November, although it is slightly lower than last year. As of November 16, approximately 1,600,000 letters have been received for the year.