How does the human eye see? Here is astounding evidence that the evolutionist cannot see!
That... eye — the human eye," complained one science writer while attempting to justify the theory of evolution. How can anything so intricate and complex as the human eye, he asked, have evolved? He posed the question, but he could give no adequate answer. The best he could do for his readers was make a hazy suggestion as to how he thought evolution "could have" occurred. Charles Darwin himself struggled with the eye problem. He wrote in a private letter of a time when "the thought of the eye made me cold all over" (Letter to Asa Gray, April 3, 1860). In his work The Origin of Species, Darwin conceded: "To suppose the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, 'absurd 'in the highest degree." Absurd indeed! There is no way to account for the existence of such an engineering marvel as the human eye by a slow process of chance natural selections. All of the vital parts of the eye have to be present and functioning if sight is to be possible. Nowhere in nature can there be found developing non-working eyes. Even the so-called primitive eyes of lower life forms are complete and able to perform exactly as designed. Their intricacy varies from that of their human counterparts only by degree. Consider, for a moment, how marvelously made are the masterpieces through which you are now reading this. The part of the eye that is visible is only a portion of a gel-filled globe set in a protective socket of the skull. Enclosing the gel are three major layers of tissue. The tough fibrous outer layer is the sclera. What is seen in front as the white of the eye is part of this layer. Also part of the sclera is the transparent covering (cornea) over the opening or pupil of the eye. Just inside the sclera is a layer of blood-vessel rich tissue. And within that is the layer known as the retina, upon which images are formed much as they are formed on film in a camera. Light enters by way of the pupil and passes through an adjustable lens that focuses the light rays onto the retina. The human retina contains some 1.3 million light-sensitive cells — the rods and cones, so named because of their shapes. Different ones of these cells react to different luminous intensities and colors. These cells pick up the light stimulus and translate it by a photochemical process into nerve impulses that travel to the brain. In some way not yet fully understood, the impulses become vivid, colorful, moving, three-dimensional mental images capable even of being stored for future recollection. The eye is an incredibly intricate mechanism. Just how complex can be realized by checking a reference work such as the Encyclopaedia Britannica, where in the 15th edition, for example, a discussion of the eye and sight fills more than 34 pages. The highly diversified and specialized parts of the eye — the muscles, ligaments, tissues, fluids, canals, nerves, pigments, blood vessels — all work together to produce sight. This complex organ could not have developed gradually to fill a creative need. If the whole eye were there except for the lens, the eye would not work. If it were all there but the retina, there would be no sight. All the vital parts have to be in place or the eye is useless. This is a real problem for evolutionists, since the theory of natural selection holds that creatures evolve only what is of immediate benefit. In other words, evolutionists themselves must admit that animal life-forms cannot blindly look two generations, three generations or more into the future, contemplate needs, establish goals and work toward them. Evolution cannot plan ahead. It lacks the foresight! The arrangement of creatures in the so-called evolutionary tree simply does not show a long, slow development of the eye, with splendidly working mechanisms, interspersed with transitional-phase, non-functioning, defective eyes. Each creature has been given eyes which perfectly satisfy its needs. An oyster doesn't have to be able to watch TV in order to survive, but it does need to be able to detect passing shadows. So it has been given small, sensitive spots which can detect changes in the intensity of light. They may be called "simple," but the oyster's sensitive spots are complete. They work and they fulfill the oyster's needs as is, proved by the fact that oysters are a thriving species. Nor can all eyes in smaller life-forms be called "simple." According to the evolutionary concept, one would not expect a small tropical minnow like anableps, for example, to have the uniquely complicated eyes it has. It actually has what amounts to four eyes, because each of its two apparent eyes has two separate corneas and two separate retinas. As the anableps swims along the surface of the water, one section of each eye looks up with a special flattened lens suitable for viewing in the air, the other section peers down into the water with an oval lens such as other fish have. A true engineering marvel! It is impossible to account for the eyes of any creature great or small by a process of Darwinian evolution. It is equally impossible to explain them by blind random mutations, quantum leaps or any other humanly devised theory. It took the great Creator God to skillfully design and make the eye. As the Scripture says: "... he that formed the eye, shall he not see?... he that teacheth man knowledge, shall not he know? The Lord knoweth the thoughts of man [like the evolutionary theory], that they are vanity" (Ps. 94:9-11). The marvelous human eye is God's workmanship. The evidence is obvious and there for all to look at. But, as has often been said, there is none so blind as he who will not see.
EACH LIFE FORM has been given eyes that perfectly suit its needs. Starting at upper left-hand corner and proceeding clockwise are close-up shots of a king vulture, a double-crested cormorant, an African pygmy goat, a gulf flounder, a nurse shark, a little skate, a giant gecko, an African flap-necked chameleon. See PDF for Pictures