Proclaim to the World the GOOD NEWS OF THE WORLD TOMORROW
BOX 111, Pasadena, California
Publishing: The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING
October 19, 1956
Dear Co-Workers with Christ:
This will have to be a short, but URGENT letter. Never in all my experience have the problems of God's work come with more crushing weight upon my shoulders than now. Never have I been brought more fully to realize how earnestly, fervently, seriously and BELIEVINGLY we need to go to GOD in prevailing PRAYER!
The work itself faces a new, and apparently overwhelming crisis. And with it, there are right now coming to me co-workers and radio listeners by the dozens and scores with more heart- breaking personal trials, troubles, afflictions and sicknesses than ever before.
I'll simply have to confess that I have not the strength or the power to stand up under this load of trouble myself. I am, of course, taking it all to our GOD and heavenly Father, Supreme Ruler and Power of the universe, and committing it all to Him. BUT I NEED YOUR HELP, desperately!
Several cases have come to me of young married couples breaking up — divorce threatened, or suits now in progress — homes being torn asunder. Sickness, infirmities, physical afflictions — cases that simply tear at our hearts — lives hanging in the balance! Many in financial or other troubles they seem unable to meet.
And, for the college and the headquarters of the whole work, this very fine — I think it would not be an exaggeration to say fabulous adjoining estate of the late Hulett C. Merritt, which was being purchased by some wealthy clients of J. L. Block & Associates to be donated to Ambassador College — and which has been planned to become our main college building — seems to have struck a snag so that we might lose it after all. This transaction is due to close escrow in 8 days. One or two of these wealthy donors have met certain financial reverses and backed out of the deal. We may have to put in a few thousand of our own money to save it — MORE THAN WE HAVE, OR NORMALLY COULD RAISE IN THIS SHORT PERIOD. No further extension of the escrow can be had. Since this purchase was made at public auction by these interests, (with intent to donate it to Ambassador College), and the estate is in probate court settling the will of the deceased, it is all subject to the decrees and actions of the Court.
We have planned to make it the chief class-room building, devoting one wing to our dining hall, its largest room to become our assembly hall, and it would become the center of all social and recreational life of the college. It has a large indoor swimming pool. It includes some four acres of magnificent grounds. It provides the building sites for future buildings as the college expands in future years. It appears now that we may have to raise $40,000 in eight days from this date, or lose the property and the large deposit of many thousands of dollars that the purchasers have already paid into it.
This is but a small fraction of what we shall have to expend on building a new building to take its place, if we lose this property now. The college has completely outgrown present buildings and facilities. It would be a costly tragedy, costing us perhaps $200,000 in the next two or three years, to lose this all- important property now!
Co-workers, nothing but intensive and BELIEVING PRAYER can save this most valuable property for God's college — and nothing else can work the many MIRACLES so sorely needed by the many who appeal to us for help at this time.
On top off all this, the income received for carrying on God's work is right now some $8,000 short of last month's income, as of this date of the month. IT IS VITALLY NECESSARY THAT THIS BE MADE UP!
It is a life-and-death for the Merritt estate matter that we raise an additional $40,000, somehow, in less than eight days from this date, either by outright gifts or by loans. If a loan that large could be made, we are now in position to offer adequate security. And if ever we needed a number of LARGE donations of $1,000 to $10,000 or more, it is right now. I would suggest that any of you in position to make such a gift or loan contact me immediately by long distance telephone. Just call Los Angles, and the number is RYan 1-8766, or SYcamore 6-6123.
And to EVERY Co-Worker, remember that even if you and EVERY Co-Worker would send in widows' mites, or offerings of from $1 to $5, that alone might be enough to solve this present emergency. Will YOU send, by return AIR-MAIL, the very largest sum you can?
A number of NEW DOORS are now open to us for radio networks in Australia (the BIG-CITY Network now open), South America, and elsewhere. Yet, at present, we simply do not have funds available to go where CHRIST is opening the way. We have set a goal to go on a number of Spanish-language stations beginning January 1st. Ted Armstrong speaks Spanish fluently and without accent, and is now ready to send out the Gospel in Spanish. You've heard him on the air in English, and I'm sure you know that God has prepared him to be VERY POWERFUL AND EFFECTIVE in carrying the TRUE, and ORIGINAL Gospel of Christ for the first time to MILLIONS of Spanish-speaking people!
PRAY for this! Do all you can! And above all, PRAY!! I need your earnest prayers now, it seems, as never before. PUT YOUR HEART into your prayers. This whole emergency is SERIOUS. Please. dear Co-Workers, don't take it lightly. Get under this burden with me, and PRAY and do all you can! Let's unitedly send our appeals up to the all-compassionate Throne of Grace, and God will intervene and lift this terrible burden, and deliver us all, who obey and trust Him. There's not an hour to lose! Please hurry!