Proclaim to the World the GOOD NEWS OF THE WORLD TOMORROW
BOX 111, Pasadena, California
Publishing: The PLAIN TRUTH a Magazine of UNDERSTANDING
May 23, 1958
Dear Co-Workers with Christ:
This is an EMERGENCY letter. It must be short, and quick to the point! Please put this ahead of everything you have to do!
Right now God is blessing His work as never before, while many of you Co-Workers are slacking off in your part!
Just look at these blessings! Since I last wrote you, the manager of super-power KVOO, Tulsa—the number one radio station in the Oklahoma, Western Arkansas, Southern Kansas and Southwestern Missouri area—visited our headquarters on the Ambassador College campus, and opened up the MOST desirable time of 7:30 every night on KVOO! This means scores of thousands of NEW listeners to the true GOSPEL of CHRIST! Besides, it means that other scores of thousands who have been listening to XEG or XELO will now hear The WORLD TOMORROW with far better reception! The Gospel program, IN SPANISH LANGUAGE, is now going out over the BEST station in western South America!
My son, Garner Ted, has made all arrangements for the most powerful evangelistic campaign we have ever conducted in Pittsburgh this summer. He will take with him a full competent TEAM—a song leader and soloist, two pianists, another ordained minister to assist in counselling and talking with people individually, and two advanced theological students as ushers and helpers. If you will PRAY earnestly for it, and intercede with God, there will be a big harvest of converted lives for God's Kingdom! To add POWER to this, the radio station with the second best coverage in Pittsburgh, WPIT, has opened to us the very splendid time of 7:00 AM daily—seven days a week, beginning immediately!
This year FAR MORE people have been converted thru this most powerful broadcast on earth and The PLAIN TRUTH than ever before. Our men are now hard at work planning the summer baptizing tours for three teams. More than ONE THOUSAND precious souls are now awaiting baptism—and this number is growing daily! Our mail response indicates that about TWICE as many people are hearing The WORLD TOMORROW program this year than ever before. EVERY YEAR the vast listening audience GROWS! God's last warning Message is being THUNDERED around the world—into every continent! Its power and scope is MULTIPLYING!
The HARVEST is plenteous! GOD IS WORKING! He is working in and thru this great work of His to which He has called YOU as a Co-Worker with me and with Christ! Jesus Christ is on God's Throne directing, blessing this great work—opening new doors—convicting the hearts of thousands whom God has CALLED, bringing them to repentance, and to FAITH!
Somewhere between 5% and 10% of our Co-Workers are now out of work—they have no income—they cannot now send in their tithes and offerings. THE REST OF US MUST SACRIFICE A LITTLE MORE—send in a LITTLE EXTRA if this great work is to survive and carry on!
Right now we are running about $12,000 short of the normal income for this time of month—about $12,000 less than in January, February, March and April. THIS IS SERIOUS! God's precious work can't carry on at this rate.
I know that many of you who are not out of work have been slacking off—possibly because heavy pressures of responsibilities on me personally have delayed sending this letter some three weeks. I HAVE TO ASK YOU TO MAKE THIS UP! I have to ask EVERY CO-WORKER to give up something else, and send in as much as possible IN ADDITION to regular tithes and offerings—a LARGER than ordinary amount. I'm sure everyone can send in a little something EXTRA if you are willing. IT IS NOW DESPERATELY URGENT!
Some very FEW of you have larger sums of money you COULD put into God's work at this time—perhaps a thousand or several thousand dollars. This is one of those times when it is desperately NEEDED! God is doing HIS part—He won't do yours or mine—He expects YOU and me to do ours. This is a large part of our spiritual training for eternity! I NEED YOUR URGENT, HEART- RENDING, PREVAILING PRAYERS RIGHT NOW! Let's wake up, and be about our Father's business! God bless you! And THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!
With love, Herbert W. Armstrong
P.S. May I just add that God has blessed Mrs. Armstrong and me with our TENTH grandchild—little 8-pound Richard David Armstrong II, born May 15th—Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Armstrong's first child. Ted has THREE sons!