In flight from Amman, Jordan
March 20, 1983
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers in Christ:
GOOD NEWS! — in a world filled with bad news. I am going to be broadcasting to the entire Middle East on Jordanian television. Also, Jordanian television is going to air both the 1981 and 1982 "Young Ambassadors" musical films, which were shown at the last two Feasts of Tabernacles, as wholesome entertainment programs.
In Amman the past three days, I had another meeting with the Crown Prince Hassan, brother of King Hussein. He expressed regret I could not have another meeting with his Majesty, who was in Bonn and London on those days. I had another nice visit with the Prince's wife, Princess Sarvath. She is the energetic patron and sponsor of the school for the mentally handicapped children.
The Ambassador Foundation is making grants in support of the school, and an Ambassador College graduate, Richard Weber, and wife are living in Amman, devoting full time to organizing a new vocational section to the school. This new addition teaches graduates of the school manual occupations so they may be prepared to earn their own living.
Our party spent a few hours at the school with Mr. and Mrs. Weber. They have equipped and organized a wood-working cabinet and carpentry shop, a home economics and other departments, already in full operation.
Yesterday there was a luncheon attended by some 30 people, including the principal of the school, three cabinet ministers in the government and other leaders. The visit to Amman was highly successful.
Meanwhile world conditions continue bad. There seems to have been some little improvement in the economy and unemployment problems in the United States, and hopefully this is the beginning of an upward swing out of the recession. Weather has been terrible in Jordan, but we had three beautiful spring days with sunshine while there. Weather has been upset around the world.
God is opening new doors for rapid increase in The PLAIN TRUTH circulation. Our only problem there is stretching the budget to cover this growth. To take advantage of opportunities now opening, we need an even larger increase in tithes and offerings for this most important Work on earth today. God is lavishing blessings on us, and we must be more faithful and generous to him than ever. I expect big developments in world conditions in the coming months of this year.