Bible Study    -    58 Lesson Course
Lesson 46 - How To Pray Effectively!
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Lesson 46 - How To Pray Effectively!

58 Lesson:
Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course

| 1967 | 1966 15M167 | 1966 2M267 |

WHY don't more prayers get RESULTS? Has God "GONE way off somewhere"? The fundamental reason why the prayers of most people are NOT being answered today is that they do not KNOW the TRUE God! Most people think of God as a vague, far-off, indefinable something. They don't know that GOD IS THE ACTIVE, LAW-GIVING RULER of the universe! They have forgotten that God REVEALS Himself in His Word, the Bible, and that He shows us the KIND of God He is. God reveals HOW we should OBEY Him, and what He has PROMISED to do for us if we call upon Him in sincere, BELIEVING prayer.

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Note: Bible Study 58 - Lesson 46 - Test are supplied at the end of the 48th Lesson for Lesson 46 - 1966 Revision 2M267

Publication Date: 1966 2M267
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