Key to Northwest European Origins
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Key to Northwest European Origins

Appendix II:


The Creation of Man 4004
The Deluge 2349
Birth of Abram 1996
Birth of Isaac 1896
Birth of Jacob 1836
Birth of Joseph 1745
Birth of Moses 1571
The Exodus 1491
Death of Joshua 1429
Beginning of the period of the Judges 1429
Termination of the period of the Judges 1095
Commencement of Saul's reign 1095
David king in Hebron 1055
David king in Jerusalem 1047
Solomon made king. Death of David 1015
Death of Solomon 975
Ten Tribes revolt — Jeroboam made their king 975
Rehoboam made King over Judah 975
Omri begins his rule over Ten-Tribed Israel 925
Israel's first invasion 771
Israel's second invasion 742
Israel's third invasion 721
Captivity of Judah 587
Birth of Jesus Christ 4

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Publication Date: May 1963
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