The World Tomorrow Radio Broadcast

Listen to Resurrection or Heaven? Resurrection or Heaven?
Herbert W Armstrong - RAD8077

And now get out your Bibles and look with your own eyes and be surprised. See how the Bible says exactly the opposite of what you thought and how the teaching of Jesus was not the teaching of the so-called Christianity of this day and how Jesus taught exactly the opposite of what you have become to ...View Transcript

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Listen to Revelation - Closed Book Until the End Revelation - Closed Book Until the End
Herbert W Armstrong

Greetings! You've heard of 'The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.' Several years ago a very famous football team from Notre Dame had a backfield, a very famous backfield of four in those years, who were called the Four Horsemen. I'm sure they were national champions that year as Notre Dame ve ...View Transcript

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Listen to Revelation 13,17 & Daniel 7 Revelation 13,17 & Daniel 7
Herbert W Armstrong - GSC024B

It's going to end this civilization. Just how near are we to the nuclear World War III right now? Are we in the last days? I've mentioned a booklet several times recently. Let me mention it once again. Are We In The Last Days? Now? That's a booklet. Are We In The Last Days? Write in for your c ...View Transcript

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Listen to Revelation Can Be Understood Revelation Can Be Understood
Herbert W Armstrong - HA400C

How many mystery books of fiction have you read? Countless such books have been written, including science fiction. But was any mystery book or any science fiction ever written that were as mysterious, as strange and as astonishing as the very last book in the Bible? And that is the book called Reve ...View Transcript

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Listen to Revelation: Things That Are Going to Come to Pass Revelation: Things That Are Going to Come to Pass
Herbert W Armstrong

Ladies and gentlemen, greetings. A staggering, worldwide calamity is due to strike this earth very, very soon. Now there's an eye-opening book being published explaining the details, warning the people about it. It's not only one of the ten best-sellers, it is number one; it is the best seller r ...View Transcript

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Listen to Roots of U.S. and Britain Roots of U.S. and Britain
Herbert W Armstrong - TWT2080B

The television series called Roots was viewed by millions, then it was rerun and viewed by more millions. It traced the origin of one black family or their roots back for a couple hundred years or so into Africa. Now the Jews know their roots, it's traced in the Bible all the way back to the very ...View Transcript

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Listen to Rules of Success - Part 1 Rules of Success - Part 1
Herbert W Armstrong

Well although the news is going to be good in the World Tomorrow, do you know why today's news today is nearly all bad? Now this is shocking, but it's true. There is something criminally wrong with today's prevalent system of education. And that, plus human nature, is the one reason why we are ...View Transcript

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Listen to Rules of Success - Part 2 Rules of Success - Part 2
Herbert W Armstrong

Why is it that so many people make a failure out of life? And yet, some make a success of it. This is the second of a series bringing you the Seven Rules of Success, for there are certain definite laws in motion that regulate success or failure, health or sickness, happiness or unhappiness. These th ...View Transcript

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Listen to Rules of Success - Part 4 Rules of Success - Part 4
Herbert W Armstrong

Did it ever occur to you to wonder why so many people make a failure in life? Is there, after all a reason for it? Are there any fixed basic rules, or principles of success? When I was a young man of twenty-three, I was on the editorial staff of a national magazine. They gave me the title of 'The ...View Transcript

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Listen to Rules of Success - Part 5 Rules of Success - Part 5
Herbert W Armstrong

And now continuing this series on the 'Seven Rules of Success.' There is a reason why so many failures take place in life. There is a reason why some people really become successful. There are basic rules, which are merely fundamental laws, that are set in motion. They are as alive as the laws o ...View Transcript

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Listen to Rules of Success - Part 6 Rules of Success - Part 6
Herbert W Armstrong

Well now this is the sixth of a series of broadcasts on the Seven Rules of Success. As I have said before, an altogether too large proportion of our people are not successful in life, because they do not apply a single one of the seven rules that bring success. Most people don't even know what tho ...View Transcript

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Listen to Rules of Success - Part 7 Rules of Success - Part 7
Herbert W Armstrong

Now this is the seventh of a series on the Seven Rules of Success. Do you know that everyone could be, should be, happy? You can't be very happy if your life is a failure. Why are most people unhappy? Why are most people failures? Most people do not apply a single one of these seven rules that are ...View Transcript

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Listen to Russia in Prophecy Russia in Prophecy
Herbert W Armstrong - HA234A

Now, for the past two or three weeks, we've been going through the prophecies, what's going to happen to the United States. But I think we're all very much concerned also about what's going to happen to Russia. So now let's come to the prophecies of Russia. We've been getting into a lot ...View Transcript

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Listen to Russia in Prophecy Russia in Prophecy
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1970s

Does the Bible make any sense in the space age? Do things like taxes, economic disorders, chaos, riots, crime, divorce, drugs, the alienation of youth, international calamities, earthquakes, the obliteration of the nation's capital city in Nicaragua — all of these many far-flung and different prob ...View Transcript

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Listen to Sabbath Law - Tradition Sabbath Law - Tradition
Herbert W Armstrong - HA242B

If there were not positive assurance of a better world tomorrow, this mixed-up chaotic suffering world would be hopeless, indeed. And I repeat, nothing but world government can now save humanity alive. We have come to the place where human beings have invented such horrifying weapons of destruction ...View Transcript

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