The World Tomorrow Radio Broadcast

Listen to True Gospel - Part 1 True Gospel - Part 1
Herbert W Armstrong - 1980s

Staggering event that's going to occur and strike the whole world and comparatively soon and there is only one advance warning and that advance warning is in your bible. Now the world's greatest seller is the Bible more people have a Bible than any other book, but as Bruce Barton said; it's th ...View Transcript

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Listen to True Gospel - Part 2 True Gospel - Part 2
Herbert W Armstrong - 1980s

When Christ came himself, His whole gospel, His message, was prophetic, it was a prophecy. I think you may not have heard that before. Have you heard Jesus proclaimed as a coming Governor, a Ruler, a King or only as a Savior who shed His blood for us and who gives you salvation if you just have the ...View Transcript

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Listen to True Gospel - Part 3 True Gospel - Part 3
Herbert W Armstrong - 1980s

If a major hurricane is on the way, coming right toward Miami, Florida, it is vitally important that the people there have advance warning so that they can prepare. And that has happened more than once in Miami. But a far more staggering event is going to occur wherever you live because it's going ...View Transcript

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Listen to True Gospel - Part 4 True Gospel - Part 4
Herbert W Armstrong - 1980s

It's an amazing eye-opening thing to review the actual life of Jesus Christ, to see what He did proclaim, what He did preach, to open our eyes to what really did happen and what He did teach and proclaim, what was His Gospel, because the gospel of Jesus Christ is not man's gospel about Christ, i ...View Transcript

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Listen to True Gospel - Part 5 True Gospel - Part 5
Herbert W Armstrong - 1980s

The Gospel of Jesus Christ was not proclaimed to the world for 1,900 years. It was suppressed back in the year about 53 A.D. until, in our time in the year of 1953. I want you to listen while I read to you what the Apostle Paul in the New Testament wrote to the Churches in Galatia, about 53 A.D. the ...View Transcript

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Listen to True Gospel - Part 6 True Gospel - Part 6
Herbert W Armstrong - 1980s

A few months ago the nation's most famous newscaster, Walter Cronkite moved on to other network duties, but do you know who is the most famous newscaster, even much more famous than Walter Cronkite, the most famous who ever lived? Very few people have ever realized that Jesus Christ came as a news ...View Transcript

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Listen to Truth Restored Truth Restored
Herbert W Armstrong - T39A

Suppose that Jesus Christ were to walk into your church just like He walked into the temple or the synagogues more than 1900 years ago, looking just like any other common man. Suppose that you heard Him teaching doctrines that were directly contrary to and antagonistic to those believed by your chur ...View Transcript

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Listen to Twelve Rules to Rear a Delinquent Twelve Rules to Rear a Delinquent
Garner Ted Armstrong - 1974

Twelve rules for rearing a juvenile delinquent, guaranteed to work. You can put it in effect in your own home. All you gotta do is follow the rules. Are you ready? Listen carefully. One, begin with infancy to give your child everything he wants, everything you can possibly provide him. And if you ca ...View Transcript

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Listen to Understanding Prophecy Understanding Prophecy
Herbert W Armstrong

Back in World War II Winston Churchill addressed the United States Congress. And he said to our Congress; "There is a purpose being worked out here below." Now certainly that implied a higher power above doing the working out. But if there is a purpose being worked out here below, not very many peop ...View Transcript

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Listen to Understanding the Bible Understanding the Bible
Herbert W Armstrong - GSC060B

An entire third of all the Bible is devoted to foretelling world events. Why doesn't the world know about it? The main course of history up to now has been written before it occurred. What has happened to Ancient Egypt and then to Italy, to Greece, to Ancient Babylon, Persia, Britain, America, Rus ...View Transcript

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Listen to United States and Britain in Prophecy United States and Britain in Prophecy
Herbert W Armstrong - May 30, 1979

What is prophesied, for tomorrow, for the United States? My friends, ninety percent of the prophecies of the Bible, and one-third of the Bible is prophecy, and ninety percent of that pertains to our pulsating present and the next twenty or thirty years of our history. And the United States, together ...View Transcript

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Listen to Wake Up and Return To Our GOD! Wake Up and Return To Our GOD!
Herbert W Armstrong

What is prophesied to directly affect and to happen to the United States? As I've been saying you have to know where the United States is mentioned in the Bible prophecies to understand it. We're mentioned more often than all other nations put together in the Bible. But we're not mentioned und ...View Transcript

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Listen to We Are to be Like God We Are to be Like God
Herbert W Armstrong - HA213B

I've been asking recently, what is God? Now humans were created in the image of God, God said let Us make man in Our image after Our likeness. Man was made in the image and form and shape of God. Now God is composed of spirit, but He formed man of matter, so we're not composed of spirit like God ...View Transcript

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Listen to We Must Choose to Obey God We Must Choose to Obey God
Herbert W Armstrong

My friends, what's going to happen in this world? What's the real meaning of this world chaos? Of the upset conditions that we find all about us in the world? What's the real meaning of the fact that it is now possible to lay waste an entire continent in one night without warning? That means t ...View Transcript

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Listen to We Will Have World Peace We Will Have World Peace
Herbert W Armstrong - HA222A

Now, let's look into tomorrow. Let's look into the world today and what's going to happen in the immediate future as well as tomorrow's world. Because while there is good news for the world tomorrow and we're going to have world peace, we're going to have universal prosperity. We're go ...View Transcript

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