Study Tools
Doctrinal Outlines - Will You Go To Heaven? Doctrinal Outlines - Will You Go To Heaven?
Worldwide Church of God - 1986/87

Heaven! This one short word summarizes the blessed goal of all Christians. It gives the very meaning of the purpose of life, and the essence of the hope of life after death. Or does it? Millions of professing Christians think so. But are they correct? Is heaven what they think it is - namely, the pr ...

Fundamental Doctrines Fundamental Doctrines
Church of God

The Doctrine of the Church of God is based entirely on God's word, the scriptures of the bible, as God inspired the various writers to enter into the pages thereof. While the churches of the world have much tradition in their doctrine, the Church of God rejects any and all worldly tradition, adher ...

Funeral Sermon Outline Funeral Sermon Outline
Herbert W Armstrong - 1985

The system I have used is a series of small folded sheets of paper, each containing the notes associated with the scripture in which each note is found. The notes I have used are on pieces of paper, four of which can be made from one standard 8.5 x 11 sheet by folding and creasing it in half, and th ...

Historical Commentary Daniel 11 Historical Commentary Daniel 11
Wilbur A Berg & Ambassador College - 1982

This chapter prophesied in great detail the events which shaped the Persian, Seleucid and Ptolemaic Empires down to the time of Christ (verses 1-32). It is an out­standing example of the historicity of the Bible and of fulfilled prophecy. The following lists of kings are given so that the interactio ...

How to Mark & Color Your Bible How to Mark & Color Your Bible
Dean C Blackwell

Mr. Armstrong suggested a similar procedure in our freshman Bible class in 1952 for thorough Bible acquaintance and usage. I have found this to be invaluable in my ministry over the past 11 years. Coloring our Bibles includes both marking subject's colors and titling paragraphs by topic writing. I ...

Introduction to Bible Chronology Introduction to Bible Chronology
Garth Wardrop - May 12, 1986

Summary of Bible Chronology - 3980-3050: Adam lives 930 years (Gen. 5:5) - 3850-2938: Born in Adam's 130th year, Seth lives 912 years (Gen 5:3, 8) - 3745-2840: Born in Seth's 105th year, Enosh lives 905 years (Gen 5:6, 11) - 3655-2745: Born in Enosh's 90th year, Kenan lives 910 years (Gen 5:9, ...

Leaven and Leavening Agents Leaven and Leavening Agents
Ambassador College Production

God uses leaven to symbolize sin, I Corinthians 5:1-8. Sin puffs us up and grows with in us spiritually just as physical leaven puffs up bread dough. God uses unleavened bread to symbolize a sinless life. God tells us we are to put leavening agents as well as any leavened product out of our homes by ...

Location of the Tribes of Israel Location of the Tribes of Israel
Herman L Hoeh - 1957

We are often asked this question: "If the British Commonwealth is Ephraim and the U.S.A. is Manasseh, where are the other tribes of Israel"? There has never given a satisfactory answer. In fact, they have contended at times that the half-tribe of Manasseh, which lived east of the Jordan, is Japan, a ...

Marriage Ceremony - Outline Marriage Ceremony - Outline
Herbert W Armstrong - 1980

Surely there can be no more joyous ceremony than this we now enter. Marriage is not only a natural union, but it is a divine institution ordained by God. It was established, not by man, but by the eternal God at creation and derives its authority from the divine laws of God which are immutable and u ...

Memorize the Bible Memorize the Bible
Worldwide Church of God

Memorizing the Bible is one of the best ways to "get the Bible into your life" on a daily basis. The moments spent in memorization and meditation pay off richly in your relationship with God. ...

Mystery of Israel Mystery of Israel
Raymond F McNair

O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the LORD. - In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel. - And it shall come to pass in that day, that the remnant of Israel ...

Names of God Names of God
Worldwide Church of God

The etymological signification of Almighty God (El Shaddai) is both interesting and touching. God (El) signifies the "Strong One" (Gen. 1:1). The qualifying word Shaddai is formed from the Hebrew word "shad", the breast, invariably used in Scripture for a woman's breast; Gen. 49:25; Job 3:32; Ps. ...

Notes Regarding Reigns of Kings Notes Regarding Reigns of Kings
Herman L Hoeh - 1983

Flood 2325/2324 B.C. Tishri reckoning. Birth of Abram 1972 B.C. Covenant in 99th year 1873 B.C., Nisan 15. Exodus 1443 B.C., 430 years later. Note that the original Hebrew is to be translated "a son of" 99, which means 99th year, not 99 years old. Hence most translations (or all) err in keeping to " ...

Outline - How To Give a Sermonette Outline - How To Give a Sermonette
Worldwide Church of God - 1985

A sermonette should be 10 to 15 minutes on a small topic, or one facet of larger topic, or difficult scripture, or example — healing, blessing, encouraging. Or ask pastor for subject suggestions. Purposes: To give you practice. - Settle congregation at beginning of service. - Cover minor point, exam ...

Passover Season Study Guide Passover Season Study Guide
Worldwide Church of God

The Passover, the first of God's commanded annual festivals, is the beginning, the very first step, in God's great master plan of salvation for mankind. Although the original Passover was to be a yearly memorial to remind Israel of God's intervention in delivering them from slavery in Egypt (a ...


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