Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - November 25, 1958 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - November 25, 1958
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  November 25, 1958

Again I have to write you a quick and short EMERGENCY S.O.S.!! For eight or ten days following my brief letter last month our Co-Workers responded very well—it looked for a few days as if the financial emergency facing God's Work would be met. But then, after that first flush of response, it DROPP ...

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The Lord Is My Strength The Lord Is My Strength
Gerald Bieritz  -  AC Presentation

Special Sabbath Music - Festival of Music 3 - Cassette 4 Side A: The Lord Is My Strength by Bruno Huhn; Baritone solo by Gerald Bieritz ...

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If My People Will Pray If My People Will Pray
Bill Daniels  -  AC Presentation

Special Sabbath Music - Festival of Music 3 - Cassette 4 Side A: If My People Will Pray by James Owens; Tenor solo by Bill Daniels ...

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God's Sacred Calendar 86-87 God's Sacred Calendar 86-87
Worldwide Church of God  -  Booklet   -  1986

The biblical solar-lunar calendar, combined with the Roman calendar so widely used by today's Christian-professing world. HERE IS the true calendar for all mankind. Its principles go back to the very first chapter of the Bible, where the sun and the moon were appointed to be for signs, seasons, da ...

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Jonah's Sign Jonah's Sign
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Radio Broadcast   -  June 01, 1979

He answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it but the sign of the prophet Jonah: for as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the [great fish - and I explained yesterday the word is not whale at all but ...

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Do You Want the BAPTISM by FIRE? Do You Want the BAPTISM by FIRE?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  October 1953

Often we hear one say, "I want that baptism with the Holy Spirit and FIRE." Or: "I have the baptism with the SPIRIT, - now I want that FIRE! Do such persons know what they are asking? The common belief that we should desire that baptism with FIRE springs from texts showing God will pu ...

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Pastor General Staff  -  Pastor General's Report   -  October 03, 1978

Messrs. Herbert Armstrong and Stanley Rader announced in Tucson this past Sabbath that the Bricket Wood campus has, in fact, been sold for two million British pounds. This amount is somewhat more than the property is carried for on the books. ...

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Why Do Good Men SUFFER? Why Do Good Men SUFFER?
David L Antion  -  Good News   -  September-October 1968

Suffering is universal. But why do GOOD PEOPLE suffer? Why trials? And how can we overcome discouragement in them? WE SEE a world of suffering around us today. Millions are starving. Countless millions live in squalor, poverty, and disease. Most of God's people know the answer to world suffering. ...

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Arise, Shine For Thy Light Is Come Arise, Shine For Thy Light Is Come
Gerald Bieritz  -  AC Presentation

Special Sabbath Music - Festival of Music 3 - Cassette 4 Side A: Arise, Shine For Thy Light Is Come; by James G Mardermid; Baritone solo by Gerald Bieritz ...

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Use the Power of God! Use the Power of God!
Brian Knowles  -  Good News   -  May-June 1972

God is the greatest POWER SOURCE in the universe. And it is His power - the power of the Holy Spirit - which moves His great Work forward. Each member has the responsibility of DRAWING ON THAT POWER for the good of the entire Work. ARE YOU DOING YOUR PART? THIS era of God's Church has both wi ...

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Sharing: It's Nice to Be Needed, But... Sharing: It's Nice to Be Needed, But...
Ronald D Kelly  -  Good News   -  May 1985

My wife's parents recently asked her to come and spend a week with them. They are getting up in years and it had been some time since we visited them. Of course she wanted to go, but she recalled the last time she left the family alone for a few days. It was a disaster! Too easy to depend on Mom W ...

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I Waited For The Lord I Waited For The Lord
Linda Morgan & Celestine Olive  -  AC Presentation

Special Sabbath Music - Festival of Music 3 - Cassette 4 Side A: I Waited For The Lord by Felix Mendelssohn; Soprano duet by Linda Morgan and Celestine Olive ...

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Behind the Work 1981 - A Worldwide Church of God Presentation Behind the Work 1981 - A Worldwide Church of God Presentation
Worldwide Church of God  -  WCG Presentation   -  1981

The first Apostles worked in the days before mass communication and high-speed travel. They had to go to each city and village preaching the gospel message personally. They went on foot, by horseback or by sailboat; it was before the days of printing. Written communication was slow and expensive, 20 ...

The Third Commandment The Third Commandment
Roderick C Meredith  -  Plain Truth   -  April 1960

How do you know WHO God is? Have you been taking His NAME in vain? Here is the third article of a series explaining the Ten Commandments - the eternal LAW of our Creator. Is GOD really first in your personal life? Results of a recent poll of 1500 college students showed that they had two sets of val ...

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Is There a Place of Safety? Is There a Place of Safety?
Worldwide Church of God  -  Special Topics   -  1982

Is the Church going to flee to a place of safety from the coming Great Tribulation? Or will God just protect us wherever we are? What does the Bible say? This world is about to be plunged into a holocaust more terrible than the eyes of man have ever seen! This horrible period, the time when Satan' ...

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