And when you see the ABOMINATION... And when you see the ABOMINATION...
Garner Ted Armstrong  -  Plain Truth   -  July 1963

Christ pointed to a SINGLE, MONUMENTAL EVENT more than any other which would warn of His RETURN TO THIS EARTH! You need to know WHAT IS THAT EVENT - and to WATCH for it! You are living in the death throes of civilization! NEVER have there been rimes such as these! Simultaneously, the world writhes i ...

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Beware of False Brethren! Beware of False Brethren!
Leroy Neff  -  Good News   -  January 1960

You could be deceived by false brethren. Here is how you can recognize them. THERE is an amazing prophecy concerning our Church which you probably have never understood. This prophecy is little known, yet you probably have read it! This startling prophecy concerning God's Church today was given by ...

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How God Looks at Agriculture How God Looks at Agriculture
Dale L Schurter  -  Good News   -  October 1967

What is wrong with agriculture? Why does seemingly everyone look down on the farmer? With God, agriculture is a favored occupation. What has put the farmer where he is in society? What does it all mean to you and your eternity? IN THE BEGINNING God created the world geared to an agricultural society ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - February 27, 1970 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - February 27, 1970
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  February 27, 1970

I want to give you, by personal letter, a portion of my "Personal" talk coming in the March number of The PLAIN TRUTH. You will be receiving it in just a few days. But I want you to read this portion IN ADVANCE — and then you may read the rest when your copy of the magazine arrives.. Here ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - March 20, 1970 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - March 20, 1970
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  March 20, 1970

GREETINGS in the service of the living Christ! By now, most of you have heard, through your local pastors, of the shocking loss to God's Work by mail thefts. I do not want to give the impression that the United States mails are unsafe. I'm sure they ARE safe under all ordinary circumstances. But ...

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More GROWTH in the Body of Christ More GROWTH in the Body of Christ
Roderick C Meredith  -  Good News   -  September 1962

Two more churches established! Offices now open in the Philippines. Hundreds baptized around the world. And a new, four-year liberal arts COLLEGE to be established! "FOR WITHOUT me ye can do NOTHING," said Jesus. Someday - very soon - the world is going to realize that CHRIST is the One who is ...

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'78 Feast is 'spiritual revival' '78 Feast is 'spiritual revival'
Good News Staff  -  Good News   -  November 6, 1978

Worldwide Church of God brethren gathered at 75 sites this year from Anchorage, Alaska, to Suva, Fiji, for eight days (Oct. 16 to 23) of spiritual food, fellowship and fun. For the first time in the history of the Feast members of God's worldwide family had the opportunity to see and hear ...

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V-E Day 40 Years Later A Final Warning to the West! V-E Day 40 Years Later A Final Warning to the West!
Neil Earle  -  Plain Truth   -  June 1985

The 40th anniversary of the end of WorId War II marks an ominous milestone for the British and American people. Just 40 years ago this summer, the guns fell silent in Europe on a blood-spattered world. One of history's greatest tragedies was over. In a wind-swept tent on Liineburg Heath on the Nor ...

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Is the American Economy Curable? Is the American Economy Curable?
Jeff Calkins  -  Plain Truth   -  June 7, 1975

"…he that earneth wages, earneth wages to put it into a bag with holes," (Haggai 1:6) Back in the heady, halcyon days of the early 1960's when unemployment was declining and inflation was a tame two percent, government economists enshrined an economic myth called the "Phillips Curve," Na ...

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Pentecost - Spirit of Power Pentecost - Spirit of Power
John H Ogwyn  -  Sermon   -  Pentecost   -  May 26, 1996

Well Brethren we are here on the Feast of Pentecost, the second of the three annual Festival seasons, one that really comes in the middle because in so many ways this Festival is a very crucial Festival in terms of the part that it plays in the plan of God. God's plan begins in the early spring, i ...

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Congress Of Leading Ministers Hears Defined And Reemphasized Spiritual Organization Of Church Congress Of Leading Ministers Hears Defined And Reemphasized Spiritual Organization Of Church
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Worldwide News   -  March 06, 1981

GREETINGS everybody! I have called this as a congress of the leading ministers of God's Church worldwide. We have here today the office managers from our different offices around the world, the evangelists and top ministers from the United States. In other words, a congress of the leading minister ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - April 10, 1962 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - April 10, 1962
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  April 10, 1962

Mrs. Armstrong and I are at sea, entering the English Channel, due to arrive at Southampton, England, this afternoon—- returning again to the new Ambassador College in Bricket Wood, England, just outside London. I must tell you of new developments that have arisen suddenly in God's work. I must te ...

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Where Did God Come From? Where Did God Come From?
Clayton D Steep  -  Plain Truth   -  December 1980

This question continues to intrigue people. Do you know the answer? We are used to living in a limited world. Everything around us has limitations - beginnings and endings. We are aware of infants being born. We are aware of grandparents dying. We observe animals, plants and insects beginning life. ...

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How Does Television Violence Affect YOUR Child? How Does Television Violence Affect YOUR Child?
Patrick A Parnell  -  Plain Truth   -  November 1971

Children are growing up on a constant diet of TV violence. We need to ask ourselves: Is it all just harmless entertainment? In an average American home the television set is on more than 6 hours a day. Between the average male's second and sixty-fifth year he will watch over 3000 full 24-hour days ...

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Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - September 28, 1967 Brethren & Co-Workers Letter - September 28, 1967
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Brethren & Co-Workers Letter   -  September 28, 1967

Here I am on the English campus of Ambassador College again. After getting the new school year off to a fresh start on the Pasadena campus a month ago, I flew to the Texas campus for a few days — for the opening of the 1967-68 school year there — and then on over here. All three campuses are now ful ...

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