Special Topics (Reprint Articles)

But by Prayer and Fasting But by Prayer and Fasting
Worldwide Church of God - 1979

These are trying times. Make no mistake about it, we need God's help and His direct intervention - now. For times such as these, the apostle Paul instructs us, "... be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles o ...

Can Prophecy Fail? Can Prophecy Fail?
Ambassador College Production - 1975

In every generation people have made predictions of things to come. Imminent events. Far-off events. Likely events, unlikely events. And sometimes they have come to pass. But sometimes they didn't. They haven't. And they won't! Psychics prophesy. And few people become upset when such predictio ...

Can You Believe BOTH the Bible AND Evolution? Can You Believe BOTH the Bible AND Evolution?
Ambassador College Production - 1970

Today, many claim "You can believe BOTH The Bible and evolution." Theologians often teach that you can believe BOTH - saying evolution was God's METHOD of creation. A WELL-KNOWN theologian recently stated, "Theologians today tend to believe that man descended from more than one ancestral species." ...

Certainly, Sir! Certainly, Sir!
Herbert W Armstrong - 1957

"I would like another pat of butter, please." "Certainly, Sir," replied the bus-boy as we breakfasted in a San Francisco hotel. It was not so much what he said. It was the manner in which it was spoken that started a train of thought. "Why is it," I began philosophizing ...

Christ The Revelator Christ The Revelator
John R Schroeder - 1975

Millions are aware of the redemptive role of Christ. They know that Jesus died to reconcile man to God. But how many realize that their very Savior predicted today's chaotic world conditions in advance and foretold the outcome of it all? THE VERY first verse of the book of Revelation states: "The ...

Christian MANHOOD - Is It a Christian MANHOOD - Is It a "Lost Cause"?
Roderick C Meredith - 1970

What was Jesus Christ REALLY like? Why are so many of His characteristics MISSING in our modern Christianity? Do you know what constitutes true Christian Masculinity? What a confused scene! Here was a place of worship - a temple, actually - and yet it was filled with the smell of manure and the sigh ...

Christians Have Lost Their POWER! Christians Have Lost Their POWER!
Herbert W Armstrong - 1970

Probably YOU, too, are spiritually powerless! Here is the shocking TRUTH! Read WHY your prayers are not directly - miraculously - answered! THE CHANCES are that even you, if you believe you are a Christian, are today on mighty dangerous ground! You'd better STOP - and check up! ...

Christians In Deed? Christians In Deed?
Brian Knowles - 1975

The world is full of nominal Christians - but how many are Christians in deed? The Christian Bible makes it clear that mere belief is not enough. A United States Senator recently quoted a very moving, yet indicting poem, "Listen Christian!" (by Bob Rowland), which reads as follows: ...

CHRISTMAS 2000 Years Before Christ CHRISTMAS 2000 Years Before Christ
Worldwide Church of God - 1981

How did customs, celebrated long before the birth of Jesus, come to be called "Christmas"? It was that festive season again. The little children were filled with anticipation and excitement. The whole family was busily involved in putting up decorations. Boughs of holly and evergreen were assembled ...

Conquering Alcohol Abuse Conquering Alcohol Abuse
Ambassador College Production

It's time to take an in-depth look at the role of heredity and of environment in the use and abuse of alcohol. Why is the abuse of alcohol one of the greatest causes of loss of human productivity, and of suffering and death in our world? Why can the majority of persons who drink alcohol do so with ...

Conquering Drug Abuse Conquering Drug Abuse
Ambassador College Production

In this special report we unveil the real causes - the solution - to one of the most harmful social and health crises facing the world today! It's time we understood why - and found the way out of the greatest social plague besetting this supposedly enlightened 20th century! Each year more million ...

Controversy Continues Over CHURCH UNITY Controversy Continues Over CHURCH UNITY
Lester L Grabbe - 1971

The United States alone has more than 250 separate denominations. Major ecumenical movements are afoot to bring all differing and conflicting sects and denominations together. But what are the chances for success? Will the near future see all Christians unffed? HOLY FATHER, keep through your own nam ...

Coping with Fears and Depression Coping with Fears and Depression
Ambassador College Production

There are over 200 listed phobias ranging from acerbophobia (fear of sourness) to xenophobia (tear of strangers). While some may view these fears as a laughing matter, phobia sufferers know just how seriously they can disrupt one's life. But there are ways of coping. Fifteen percent of all America ...

Eugene M Walter & Dale L Schurter - 1970

The good earth is under siege. Its crops are being attacked by increasing myriads of insects. Fighting back is man. His weapons - a bristling arsenal of more than 50,000 commercial chemicals. How did it happen? Is there no way out of this unending struggle? "Chemical warfare" is a fact of ...

Daniel Nine Proves Jesus Is The Christ Daniel Nine Proves Jesus Is The Christ
William F Dankenbring - 1970

In the book of Daniel is an amazing prophecy revealing precisely WHEN the Messiah was to appear - as well as exactly WHAT He was to accomplish! Study this article carefully. DO YOU KNOW Jesus is the Christ? Can you PROVE it - from Bible prophecy? Fundamentalists believe Jesus is the Christ. But many ...

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