Know The Answer?
Who said, "It is not in men; God will give Pharaoh a favourable answer?"

Genesis 41:16
By the Way...
Youth Magazine
January 1981
Volume: Vol. I No. 1
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By the Way...

How many times have you heard your parents or grandparents say, "By the way... before you go out, pick up your clothes and clean up your room" or "By the way... take out the garbage before you go to school, and don't be late for dinner!" All of us have heard this statement from time to time. I know, because I say it to my sons all the time. Many times we listen, especially when there is a reward in it for us, like going to a movie or a special school outing. Sometimes we choose to forget - we close our ears if it is a thing we don't like to do. But when we forget that's when we are heading for trouble.

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Youth MagazineJanuary 1981Vol. I No. 1