Know The Answer?
How did King Saul die?
He drew his sword and fell on it.

II Samuel 31:4
So You've Got a Date - Now What?
Youth Magazine
January 1981
Volume: Vol. I No. 1
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So You've Got a Date - Now What?
Youth Magazine Staff  

Dating should be fun. But how many times on a date have you found yourself in an awkward situation you definitely wouldn't describe as fun? Have you ever felt put down or even been insulted by your date? And perhaps you have embarrassed others also. Dating is a social experience. The same simple guidelines (don't consider them old-fashioned - they still work) that apply to everyday social situations also apply to dating. Knowing these dating courtesies will make you feel more comfortable and not so self-conscious. You will be on your way toward fulfilling a very big responsibility of dating, giving a good time to someone else. The following guidelines can be used to help you have a better time on every date. Etiquette is not an end in itself. These guidelines are only to help you to give more.

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Youth MagazineJanuary 1981Vol. I No. 1