Know The Answer?
In Nebuchadnezzar's dream what were the feet made of?
Part iron and part clay.

Daniel 2:32
News And Reviews
Youth Magazine
January 1981
Volume: Vol. I No. 1
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News And Reviews
Youth Magazine Staff  

TV Recreates Last Stand at Masada - Friends - This Is Your Page - What Is It? - Book Review: "Gizelle, Save the Children!" - Puzzle: "The Early Years"; Millions of viewers around the globe will soon witness one of the most dramatic episodes in Jewish history in the form of a television miniseries. Masada - a multi-million-dollar production filmed on location in Israel - will depict the heroic last stand of the Jews against the Roman empire in A.D. 73. The miniseries will be aired in the United States by the ABC television network (the date has not yet been announced) and in numerous countries overseas. Masada is an ancient mountaintop fortress in the eastern Judean Desert near the Dead Sea.

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Youth MagazineJanuary 1981Vol. I No. 1