Know The Answer?
What were Jesus' last words on the cross?
Father into thy hands I commend my spirit.

Luke 23:46
What Is Masculinity and Femininity?
Youth Magazine
January 1981
Volume: Vol. I No. 1
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What Is Masculinity and Femininity?
Ronald A Lohr & Patty Lohr  

What do you think of when you hear the word masculine? A rugged, outdoors type who enjoys camping and backpacking? The star center on your school's basketball team? A freewheeling rock guitarist whose lifestyle would quickly make most of us ill? How about the boy who's into studying and who always gets high grades? Would you consider him masculine? On the other hand, what does feminine mean to you? A quiet, modest girl whose goal is to marry and be a housewife? A brainy, talented pianist or a skilled gymnast? Perhaps the "fox" all the guys admire, who always seems to have a date? What about the girls in beauty pageants you've seen? Do they fit your definition of femininity?

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Youth MagazineJanuary 1981Vol. I No. 1