Know The Answer?
Which of his sons persuaded King Saul not to kill David?

I Samuel 19:4
Creative Group Dating Can Multiply Your Fun!
Youth Magazine
February 1981
Volume: Vol. I No. 2
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Creative Group Dating Can Multiply Your Fun!
Ben Faulkner  

So you haven't got a date now what? Last month we covered some points of courtesy that will help improve the quality of your date. But many of you haven't had to worry about dating courtesies yet - you consider yourself, or your parents consider you, too young to start dating. But you're never too young for group activities, and according to a group of college-age young people we interviewed, these "group dates" often multiply the fun and cause the least nervousness. What's a group date? Many YOU outings are group dates, and so are picnics , parties , hikes and other activities where several guys and girls are invited, often not even in equal numbers.

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Youth MagazineFebruary 1981Vol. I No. 2