Know The Answer?
Name the city in Asia Minor referred to by John as having a lukewarm church?

Revelation 3:14
News & Reviews
Youth Magazine
March 1981
Volume: Vol. I No. 3
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News & Reviews
Youth Magazine Staff  

Book Review: "A Family of Eagles" - Achieving Success - Butterscotch Bars - Tapes for the Blind - Picture This - Puzzle: Summer Educational Program in Orr; Watching an eagle soar through the sky can be quite a thrilling experience - the Bible talks of "The way of an eagle in the air" as being too wonderful to really know (Prov. 30:18-19). This is the kind of wonder that captured the imagination of a television weatherman and turned him into a devoted observer of A Family of Eagles. Eagles had fascinated Dan True from boyhood, but when he was given the mission of releasing a captive eagle into nature, the fascination turned into devotion.

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Youth MagazineMarch 1981Vol. I No. 3