Know The Answer?
Why was Queen Vashti deposed from her position?
For disobeying the king.

Esther 1:12
Why Not Take the Shortcut?
Youth Magazine
March 1981
Volume: Vol. I No. 3
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Why Not Take the Shortcut?
Clayton D Steep  

There is a valuable shortcut through life's wildernesses. Do you know what it is? THEIR MISSION: to cross 40 miles of rugged wilderness in the shortest possible time. There were no roads - there weren't even any pathways. The you ng men and women split into two teams, Carl leading one and Ralph the other. Which team would cross the wilderness area first? There were thick patches of forest to penetrate, at least two rivers to ford, rocky slopes to climb and descend, box canyons to avoid, plus numerous other obstacles to contend with, ranging from mosquitos to poison ivy. Before the start of the race, many preparations were made by members of both teams.

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Youth MagazineMarch 1981Vol. I No. 3