Know The Answer?
What king did Nehemiah work for?
King Artaxerxes

Nehemiah 2:1
By the Way...
Youth Magazine
April 1981
Volume: Vol. I No. 4
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By the Way...

THIS MONTH'S COLUMN is for girls only! (You guys might want to read it though, just so the girls don't get ahead of you.) I've asked my wife Shirley, who deals with young people on a day-to-day basis, to pass along some practical ideas on developing your skills. "Secretarial skills? You mean typing and shorthand and things like that? No, I'm not interested. My high school counselor told me those skills aren't so important for women to learn today." Whether your ambition is to be a homemaker and mother or an office manager, administrative assistant, teacher or engineer, certain so-called "secretarial" skills can be invaluable to you throughout your life.

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Youth MagazineApril 1981Vol. I No. 4