Know The Answer?
Where did Jesus go t o pray on the night before he died?
The Garden of Gethsemane.

Matthew 26:36
Hire Yourself a Summer Job
Youth Magazine
April 1981
Volume: Vol. I No. 4
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Hire Yourself a Summer Job
Dennis R Robertson  

Using resourcefulness - "hiring yourself" - will give you quite a head start in looking for summer employment. THERE'S A STORY about a college student who worked very little one summer and ran out of money about midway through the school year. In a hastily written telegram to his father, the boy made a stab at asking for more money. The telegram said: "No mon, no fun. Your son." A couple days later the fellow received this caustic reply from his father: "Too bad, how sad. Your dad." Running out of money at any time is a real bummer, but it's especially bitter in the dead of winter when there's little time to make extra cash.

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Youth MagazineApril 1981Vol. I No. 4