Know The Answer?
Who said to Nathan, "I have sinned against the Lord?"

II Samuel 12:13
Animals, Trees and Bugs: Teens Look at Nature
Youth Magazine
May 1981
Volume: Vol. I No. 5
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Animals, Trees and Bugs: Teens Look at Nature
Youth Magazine Staff  

"When the dove came back with the freshly plucked olive branch, it must have meant a great deal to Noah. Then he knew that it was almost time to leave the ark. "We should be like that dove. We should be bringing the good news of the coming Kingdom of God to people in this world." Have you ever stopped to think about how nature provides examples to guide our behavior as human beings? God's creations - animals, birds, insects and even trees picture lessons that humans should learn and apply.

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Youth MagazineMay 1981Vol. I No. 5