Know The Answer?
Why was Queen Vashti deposed from her position?
For disobeying the king.

Esther 1:12
So You Didn't Get a Summer Job: Marvin's Marvelous Maxims
Youth Magazine
June-July 1981
Volume: Vol. I No. 6
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So You Didn't Get a Summer Job: Marvin's Marvelous Maxims
Dennis R Robertson  

Dennis Robertson 13 So you read the article entitled" 'Hire Yourself A Summer Job" in the April issue of Youth 81, ran out to capture a summer job and came up with zilch. Well, it happens to the best of us. Getting that first part-time job can be tough. But there are certain points to keep in mind certain momentous maxims that will help you find a good part-time job. Of course, the maxims are just as applicable to full-time job seekers, so no matter what your status, read on...

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Youth MagazineJune-July 1981Vol. I No. 6