Know The Answer?
What happened to Moses' staff when he threw it on the ground?
It became a snake.

Exodus 4:3
News & Reviews
Youth Magazine
June-July 1981
Volume: Vol. I No. 6
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News & Reviews
Youth Magazine Staff  

Wordfind: Attributes of God - Teen Talent Search - "Windwalker": A Truly Different Movie; Tired of seeing ordinary movies? Windwalker is truly different. It is a powerful adventure centering around an American Indian family sometime before white men were on the scene. While the story is fictional, its presentation is true-to-life. Indian life is shown as it really was. In fact, the only English you hear is a few sentences spoken by a narrator now and then to tie the plot together. The story is told mostly by action and expressions, and whenever the characters do speak, they speak in Cheyenne or Crow Indian languages. But don't let that throw you off! There are exceptionally clear and easy-to-read English subtitles so you know what is being said.

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Youth MagazineJune-July 1981Vol. I No. 6